Health and Fitness Classes in Brighton and Hove

Find the best Health and Fitness Classes in Brighton and Hove as recommended by local Brighton and Hove people in thebestof Brighton and Hove's Health and Fitness Classes directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Brighton and Hove
The Circle Studios
The range of classes offered by Brighton and Hove based The Circle Studios is impressive. They offer everything from aerial yoga to spin classes as well as a variety of other calorie burning, relaxation, muscle toning and stretching classes.
Scarlet O said
Surprisingly large studios. Everything at The Circle ishigh quality: well run and super clean!
All the instructors are extremely professional, very supportive (despite your level of fitness).
I highly recommend :-)
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The Circle Studios
The Old Market Theatre and Venue
Bright Now Café - The Brighthelm Centre
Brighthelm Centre
Sodexo Prestige - Events at BHAFC Amex Community Stadium
Westbeach Properties - Long and Short Term Lets
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