During the colder autumnal and winter months (October – April) condensation becomes a more prominent and problematic occurrence.
More warm moist air is being generated in living areas and then it collects and penetrates colder parts of a building…
Warm air holds much more water than cold air, so during the cooler months it is far more likely that moisture will develop in a property. However it is only when this warm air comes into contact with cold surfaces that the moisture in the air can no longer hold the vapour and therefore becomes liquid water, most commonly seen on windows, tiles and cooler walls. However this is not the only place where vapour and excess moisture can form; clothes, fabrics, wallpaper, carpets, furniture and other house hold items can also be affected, developing black mould and/or leaving a distinctive unpleasant smell.
Battling the effects of condensation is more often than not about practicing good ventilation and heating management throughout a property. The cold outdoor weather often dissuades people to open up their houses to the elements and in doing so creates a warm, moist and humid environment, leaving nowhere for excess moisture in the air to escape.
Excess water can be created through a variety of ways for example, drying wet clothes on radiators or in a tumble dryer, washing up, showering and bathing, cooking and many more. In some house holds up to 17 litres of water can be produced each day, and with nowhere else to go it collects in the coldest parts of the house. Once the moisture has collected it can then drip down and penetrate parts of the building, which can often lead to black mould forming on walls, floors, clothing etc. whilst the dripping water can damage furniture, paintings, valuables and electrical goods, creating health hazards in domestic, work and public areas.
All of the problems that condensation brings can be avoided.
The best ways of tackling the issues that condensation creates is to try to maintain consistent temperatures between 18C and 20C and allow plenty of ventilation and fresh air to pass through, keeping humidity to no higher than 52%.
For more information on preventing condensation and ensuring good ventilation in your home, contact Prokil Brighton today on 01273 258111.
My name is Simon Hetherton, I'm the branch manager for Prokil Brighton. Prokil Brighton offer a fast and reliable service. FREE inspections of your properties can be carried out to assess issues with Damp,...
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