The 12th May at the Brighton Racecourse promises to be an exciting year, as the Let’s Do Business Expo looks to expand further.
Not only have we managed to get Google, yes I said Google!, to run 2 digital workshops, but we have acquired Levi Roots of Reggae Reggae Sauce to come and share his experiences.
To hear how his business venture started and grew, why don’t you come along and be inspired on 12th May at the Brighton Racecourse 10am - 4pm. Visit for further details.
With more exhibitors this year, can we jump above our normal footfall of c900 and attract 1000 people for the first time over the course of the day? Finishing with a speed networking session, run by Sussex Business Bureau, there will be plenty to see and do.
If you want your business to move forward and grow, exhibiting your business is a great way to show people what you can do. You get plenty of time to talk to visitors as well as other exhibitors and build up your contacts in the local area.
The show is attended by a mix of businesses from a wide range of industries from around Sussex and a few further afield.
It’s free for visitors with plenty of free parking, so if you want to come and meet local businesses...
Team at thebestof Brighton & Hove. Working hard to find out and showcase the best that the city has to offer... Events, Businesses and Organisations.
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