Protect you and your families' futures
11th December 2018
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Being able to leave your loved ones well provided for when you die is very reassuring for people contemplating their own mortality. 

It is also comforting to know that if something happened that meant you were unable to work, your expenses would be covered.  No one likes to think about these things but being prepared for them means you have the best chance of looking after yourself and your family.

Don’t Leave Your Estate to the Taxman

Good estate planning can minimise the Inheritance Tax liability you will be leaving your family but also make things easier for them at this difficult time.  Everyone is different so the various ways there are to reduce Inheritance Tax will suit some people and not others, so we can help you find the most appropriate solution.

Looking After Your Loved Ones

If you’re relatively young and healthy, life insurance is an inexpensive way to help look after the people most important to you in the event of your death.  There are lots of options out there and we can help you find the most suitable one.

Avoid Adding Stress to Serious Illness

The last thing you want if you are diagnosed with a serious illness is money worries.  Serious illness cover exists to take that worry away if you find yourself unable to work.  Like life insurance, it’s very affordable if you take it out when you are young and in good health.

Worrying about what might happen in the future is never a good idea but preparing for it is a great one. If you would like some help putting protections in place for you and your family, call David Lewis Wealth Management on 01273 933743 for a no-obligation consultation.

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