Dr Mills & Partners
Dr Mills & Partners
  • Hove Medical Centre, West Way, Hove, East Sussex
    BN3 8LD
Dr Mills & Partners in Hove is situated in Hove Medical Centre which was built in 1990 and prior to that the partnership practised from a surgery in Sackville Road and a branch surgery in Hangleton. The branch surgery was a tiny area in what is now the dental surgery next door! NHS service.

Opening Hours:

Monday 08.30am to 6.30pm. Tuesday to Friday 08.30am to 6.00pm.

Lunchtime closure Monday/Tuesday/Thursday 1.00 to 2.00pm

When phoning the surgery, you will be greeted by a short message before being put through to the staff. Please listen to the message carefully as it gives important information For what to do if the surgery is closed click here

Contact Details:

Address: Hove Medical Centre, West Way, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 8LD
Telephone Number: 01273 430088

Additional Information:

NHS service Brighton and Hove

Social Interaction