Dirt Royal + The Last Of The Lovely Days + Stanmore
£8.00 advance + booking fee: WeGotTickets – £10.00 on door
Tickets: https://wegottickets.com/event/648205
Dirt Royal
Dirt Royal are a three-piece Rock & Roll band from Brighton. The band draws influence from punk, indie and power pop, culminating in a style bursting with energy and melody. Their sound is partnered with satirical lyrics and socio-political commentary, giving the band a unique and captivating voice.
The Last Of The Lovely Days
The Last Of The Lovely Days are a Brighton based, female fronted, group playing a melodic cocktail of tunes inspired by jangly indie, power pop, 60s girl groups, 80s new wave and whatever takes their fancy.
Matt Cooper of Stanmore will be playing a solo set of energetic, joyous, hook-laden pop rock.
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