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Little Holcombe and Tower View Nursery, Bury

Tower View Nursery is a wonderful setting. Staff create a stimulating, inclusive, happy, secure and caring community which in turn enables children to become confident and independent learners. Through the stimulating curriculum, which is linked to children's individual needs, our daughters have been encouraged to think creatively, this ensuring an enjoyment of learning and encouraging them to be lifelong learners. We would like to thank all of the aunties and management leaders whom have enabled this to happen.

Little Holcombe and Tower View Nursery, Bury

What can I say..Tower View Nursery is exceptional. From the moment we looked around we were welcomed and made to feel special. The staff are amazing, Amelie has come on amazingly since starting here. She is always happy to go to nursery and is always greeted with a cuddle from the warm, caring, attentive, fun, loving natured aunties. Special thanks to the tweenie team..Auntie Laura, Auntie Jess and Auntie Kirsty who welcomed Amelie into nursery life and gave her the best start to education a parent could ask for. Not forgetting also the pre-school team who have made Amelie's transition to pre-school seamless, massive thank you everyone at Tower View.