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Get Driving Today, Bury

What can I say about Graham! My absolute hero! This time last year I had quit my lessons with a previous instructor and decided driving was not for me. Then I found Graham on Google after I typed in anxiety specialist driving school. I suffer with anxiety, especially when it to driving. I don't think I moved out of second gear through my first few lessons. Graham was fantastic from the very beginning, he has the patience of a saint, ensuring that there was as little stress in my lessons as possible (even if it meant having the greatest showman soundtrack on for the entire lesson) Graham was understanding and patient through the process and worked extremely hard. Nearly a year on and I passed my test yesterday and have driven all over today including the motorway! I never would have thought when I refused to drive faster than 20mph in those first few lessons that id be zipping down the motorway today. I know we joked that when I passed, I would have Hugh Jackman to thank but I could never have got where I am without Grahams help and Guidance and I couldn't recommend him enough as a driving instructor. Big thanks to Graham and Brian (the monkey) and Hugh Jackman if he sees this.