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Great Tips for Keeping Warm This Winter

We hear it said all the time… “Wrap up warm when you go outside this winter.” We’re also told to try and stay warm in our homes, particularly those that are older. However, the continual increases in the costs of our utility bills can cause us to try and cut corners which can result in our homes being quite a cold and chilly place to be.

Your Checklist of New Bathroom Accessories

A nice new bathroom is a wonderful thing. It’s great to see such a functional room all shiny and new in the style you’ve dreamt of for so long. You’ve installed the perfect sink, toilet, shower and/or bath and that lovely heated towel rail.

How to choose a plumber

07 May 2015 16:25

If you need a plumber and don’t have one who you use regularly and trust then no doubt you are worried about how trustworthy they are and whether or not they are reputable and will actually do the job that you are paying them to do. If you’re in this unenviable position here are some tips to try and ensure that the person you end up hiring is one of the best in the trade.

Tips for planning your new bathroom

Whatever your reasons for having a new bathroom fitted, here are some tips to help you on your way.

Plumbing tips for winter to help keep you warm and dry

It’s universally known that if your boiler is going to break or you pipes freeze then they will do so just before Christmas! It is never good when this happens but this guide will provide some hints and tips so you can hopefully avoid this unwelcome surprise.

Minimise the stress of getting a new bathroom

There comes a time when you decide that your existing bathroom has simply got to go! If you are in this predicament then why not chose a company that will do the whole project for you.

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