Your Blog Posts

A stitch in time for the Olympics . . .

If you are preparing for the effect of the Olympics at work, it is easy to focus on homeworking and travel arrangements. But what about the people who are working?

Tombstones and monuments

13 April 2012 08:24

Thereis no general legal obligation on employers to give references. But before you get too excited here are some top tips on references and how to organise when to give them and how.

It's the economy stupid!

14 October 2011 16:02

It is the economy not employment law that is restricting employers willingness to recruit.

Agency workers - alarms and excursions

With the Agency Worker Regulations (coming into force on 1st October 2011), 40 pages of Regulations have 50 pages of guidance to explain them! Even so, people can still get confused, and become convinced that they have to do things that are not required


10 August 2011 09:44

Employment law, health and safety, and data protection controls are just as necessary for the homeworker as they are for the office worker, and there are other issues to take into account as well.

Workplace fall out from Riots

08 August 2011 22:00

A lot of businesses are going to have trouble working normally for a while and they don't want to trip over employment law while clearing up the mess from the riots. Here's some free advice based on FAQs from the last time we had riots to advise on.

Sisters Roar with Charity CD

08 August 2011 15:07

40 women aged between 13–60 including Annabel Kaye of Irenicon in Croydon have recorded a single I AM WOMAN in aid of cancer and abuse charities:

Bribery and corruption .....

If you have taken no steps at all to protect your operation from corrupt practices, then the nudge that the new Act may give you to sort this out will not go amiss.

Is all this extra leave really just humbug?

The Royal Wedding extra bank holiday has produced a predictable flurry of queries about who pays for the extra day. The answer to this lies in the contract of employment.

Employment law does not prevent performance management

Most of the problems we deal with on our hotline stem from a failure to properly manage performance. Employment law is not going to stop you managing poor performance in your business if you know what you are doing.

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