thebestof Eastbourne

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Learn how a simple tweak in the checkout process can boost sales and profit by 41%....
Why relying solely on technology for sales isn't the best option....
Looking to promote your local events in Eastbourne?...
Learn how to streamline your schedule with Calendly and improve your productivity....
Discover why Eastbourne is the perfect place to call home with these 7 reasons!...
News you should be aware of for changes coming to Google Analytics you may also know this as Universal Analytics.
There are lots of tools out there to help with your social media management and this week we focus on Hootsuite!...
Knowing a customer has had a poor experience means you can turn on your customer service smile, take on the feedback and FIX the problem!...
Descript is definitely one to check out when it comes to time-saving marketing tools....
When it comes to communication tools you need to be using them effectively or you might as well not have them in place......
Don't underestimate the power of thought!...
Spending on business promotion can be hard to determine what is most effective but that is where Call Tracking comes in....
Who said business couldn't be fun?...
When it comes to communication with your customers WhatApp can be a powerful tool to streamline your communication.
When it comes to customer advertising Facebook is a powerful tool so be sure you are using it correctly....
This week's Top Tip Tuesday is a reminder of the importance of video in your local marketing here in Eastbourne.
Are you sabotaging your business because you are not paying attention to the detail?...
Having the best-made plans in the world means nothing if you don't implement them!...
When it comes to doom and gloom these have never played a part in our marketing in Eastbourne and they shouldn't play a part in yours!
When it comes to that feel-good factor in Eastourne, how are YOU going the extra mile for your customers?
You have heard the phrase many hands make light work?...
Everything changes in time and entrepreneurs need to embrace change and adopt new ways of interacting with the world.
When it comes to keeping motivated in business the factor that will drive you forward the most is your WHY!...
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