thebestof Eastbourne

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Knowing what your audience is looking for helps determine where to focus your efforts in developing solutions....
In the famous words of Michael Cain in the Italian Job "You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"...
You can not afford to just stop your business marketing in the hopes passing a few pounds to customers will ensure your business thrives......
Over the past 11 years, I have seen many businesses say "that won't work" or "I tried that once" Hand on your heart, can you honestly say you made the most of the opportunities available to you?
How is your customer experience when viewing your content from a mobile device?...
We do love sharing tools we find helpful and if you are an ummm or errrr business owner then Timebolt could be a saving grace!...
The worst marketing mistake you can make is getting your prospective customers excited about a product or service and NOT telling them what actions to take to buy from YOU!
Ensure your communication with prospects is timely and relevant, when this hit unsubscribe you have lost them forever but what is worse is when they just ignore you entirely!
Are you ignoring how powerful video can be in your marketing?...
Your marketing in Eastbourne has done the job to get a call but what happens if you don't answer or respond to a customer enquiry in a timely manner?
When it comes to growing your business you can't do it all....
I love the saying "the quality of your questions great affects the value prospects see in you".Don't get me wrong it is not just a clever question it is thoughtfully asking how you solved their problem...
With so much time and effort put into getting leads have you considered the value of revisiting the ones that you have not had contact with?...
You may well have heard this before "Fortune is in the Follow Up" but what does it actually mean and how can you be doing more to follow up with your prospects?
When it comes to Coconuts, Pineapples and Your Business what first comes to mind?...
When it comes to creating content I often get asked, What should I be doing?...
The company you keep both in your personal and business life will greatly affect your destination....
Customer recommendations are by far the best endorsement of your work but how do you ensure your customers are recommending you at every opportunity?
To get a true picture of your customer journey you need to consider how mystery shoppers could help reveal your strengths and weaknesses for future planning.
This is a controversial one when it comes to graphic designers, though most will agree with our logic of why we are saying this after the initial emotional damage the statement No one cares about your logo causes them.
Using print marketing effectively will still get you results and in many cases better results than digital!...
When you are talking to your ideal customer everything is so much easier, take time to know who they are and what THEY need not what YOU want to "sell" them.
Have you ever met a business owner that systematically raises their prices every year or season?...
Yes, size matters more than you thought in marketing....
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