thebestof Eastbourne

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With Christmas approaching I decided the ideal gift for my in-laws was a great meal at a recommended local restaurant in their area, however I am 180 miles away and needed some advice from a local expert. David at thebestof Eastbourne was incredibly helpful. He suggested a great local restaurant that would appeal to my relatives taste (The Hidden Cellar), and then spoke to the owners on my behalf. Within hours of our conversation, the restaurant telephoned me, emails were exchanged, funds were transferred and a fabulous voucher delivered to my in-box. WHAT GREAT SERVICE! Thank you Dave for going the extra mile (180 in my case)!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Helping people is hugely rewarding for me especially when it is someone that is not close enough to know which are the "best" bits of Eastbourne to visit. I hope they enjoy their meal at the Hidden Cellar I know I always do when I eat there myself!
You are doing great job for local businesses and the community. Progress achieved is phenomenal. I have been a user of thebestof Eastbourne website since 17th September 2012 and have been following news and changes via your website, twitter.

Reply from thebestof Eastbourne:
Thank you for the encouragement. With more businesses wanting to be part of thebestof Eastbourne we are really starting to live up to our name and delivering exceptional value for money. Certainly in terms of the effort we put into getting exposure for our members.
been a member of best of Eastbourne for a while now its been a great help 2 our business and personal lifes we have used it as a family to find local activities 2 go 2 and events we can sell at we use the information on the site 2 help get ideas and help 2 push our business forward its been a great help 2 us and the local shops and the motivational vides have personaly helped me stay focused on what we want so i would recomened this site 2 every one and would like 2 thank all involved in creating it

Reply from David Ruddle:
When you say member you mean registered as a user of the site which is FREE and all part of our aim to help connect trusted local businesses with the community. If we can help other locals businesses along the way as part of Buy Local in Eastbourne we are only to happy to try. I hope you can join us for a Tweetup at one of our member venues.
Since joining the best of I have had excellent support and guidance about social media etc and how to get on with the Best Of from David. He always relates what he is showing me specifically to my business using great examples . Really excellent service. Thanks very much.

Reply from David Ruddle:
It is a pleasure to work with you. You certainly know your business inside and out and I am looking forward to helping more business owners find success by their working with you. I am sure the growth accelerator will help dozens of local businesses in and around Eastbourne.
Success breeds success, and here at Eastbourne Rangers FC we are very proud and feel very privileged to become part of thebestof Eastbourne where success in promoting it's members is clearly very apparent. Everybody that we have spoken to regarding thebestof cannot speak highly enough of the work rate and energy that David Ruddle brings to "his team". Maybe he could do a job for us as a centre forward!! As a football club, we were looking to build on our business contacts - this was before learning about thebestof and what the business has to offer the community of Eastbourne. We have to say that our inclusion has already enhanced our profile with local firms no end. As a result, Eastbourne Rangers are now even more focused on using local businesses. But not just any old local businesses- we intend to use businesses that belong to thebestof from this point forward wherever possible. The regular networking events seem to be a big hit along with the "tweetups" and we hope to send representatives to these events whenever we can. On a final note, thank you thebestof. And thank you David Ruddle for all your help so far and your continuing help in the future. FIVE STARS!! Eastbourne Rangers FC

Reply from thebestof Eastbourne:
Thank you for these kind words. Working with local clubs is very rewarding.
I'm not a Twitter specialist, but I enjoy networking and I appreciate David's effort in organizing the Tweetups. Katy Bourne story was fascinating this week! I look forward to attending the next one...

Reply from David Ruddle:
It seems like only yesterday when you asked me What is this Twitter? You have come on leaps and bounds and always a pleasure to see you at our events.
The EBtweetup was a fantastic opportunity for me to meet with local business people, hear their views on policing and share ideas on how best to use social media to engage with wider audiences. The evening was buzzing, conversation flowed easily and I am already looking forward to attending a future event.

Reply from David Ruddle:
It was a pleasure to hear more about the role you play as Police & Crime Commissioner for Sussex and I look forward to sharing some more top tips with you next you visit.
Since joining last year I have received continued support from David. Not only has he promoted my business through the Best of Eastbourne but he has also introduced me to other likeminded business owners. A brilliant aspect of the Best of is the call tracking service. Before each referred call you receive a quick 'whispered'message so you know the customer found you through the Best of site. it's great to know which areas of marketing are working as its very difficult generally to find this information out!!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Always great to hear good feedback. So pleased that call tracking helps you know that everything I do is working for you!
David - I wanted to say thanks for such a superb event at the Afton Hotel the other day - the Tweetup with Steve Hewlett (and Arthur Lager etc...) It was brilliant! Steve is a genuinely nice guy, and hilariously funny, a really gifted ventriloquist. Also, the fact that he was there shows the influence 'Thebestof' has now, and is a great testament to you and your business. So well done for all you're doing in supporting all that's good about business in Eastbourne, and for the invite. Wishing you great success as you move forward. Kind regards, Ian Lucas

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you Ian, giving back to Eastbourne is something I love doing. The bigger thebestof Eastbourne gets the more I can help local businesses and of course do more for the town also.
David is so supportive of all things Eastbourne. He bring the community together
Through The Best Of Eastbourne, David Ruddle continues to use his unending reserves of enthusiasm and positivity to bring the people and business of this town together and promote everything that’s great about Eastbourne. His latest coup of getting (the rather fantastic) ventriloquist Steve Hewlett to perform at the most recent tweetup shows how he is determined to keep things fresh even after 3 years. It’s always a pleasure to be involved with one of David’s projects and his network and recommendations are a priceless resource for businesses, consumers and community groups throughout the town.

Reply from David Ruddle:
You have been a great supporter of our events and a pleasure to help as part of the community hub.
Many thanks to the Best of Eastbourne for providing a fantastc networking event with Steve Hewlett too - funny funny funny!!
David is doing a fantastic job of promoting buy local week which in turn helps all the local independent businesses.
BPE are delighted to be members of the Best of Eastbourne & hadve greatly benefited from it by gaining new clients & business & and in promoting our business/services to the local community. David (Ruddle) is a great ambassador & works tirelessly for his members & we are proud to be associated with thebest of.
Joy A BPE Business Connections

Reply from thebestof Eastbourne:
Thank you, you are a pleasure to promote and you look after my members and I so well at our evening with events.
Had a great night networking last night, made some great contacts and met some lovely people. Thank you for organising it David. We are looking forward to the next one :o) Mel & Julie from Rainbow Bridge Equine Rescue.

Reply from thebestof Eastbourne:
Great to have you along and I hope your information in the Community Hub helps :)

Reply from David Ruddle:
Hosting the Tweetup is very rewarding for me. Being able to connect so many people in person. I do love Twitter and all things social media but coming together in person always makes the difference and so many possibilities :) I look forward to seeing you again at the next one.
As a Sole Trader, marketing my business is an ongoing challenge. David's enthusiasm is infectious and he is great to brinstorm with. His commitment to helping Eastbourne businesses like mine thrive & grow is amazing. I appreciate all the help he gives me, both face to face, via social media and through The Best Of Website.
David has been fantastic in promoting our business within the local community. He has also helped to put us in touch with people who can help us, and who we can help. We look forward to working with David for many years to come.
David is the whirling dervish of all things Eastbourne he promotes our business in so many ways its makes my head spin from social media to face to face networking it’s like having another member of staff tirelessly working on your behalf.. 24/7! Now that's commitment to us & to the town. Great job thank you

Reply from David Ruddle:
It has been a pleasure working with such a proactive business like Recruitment South East. Not only you Mandy but your team are fantastic. You really are a recruitment company with a difference.
Great recommendation for a new venue (Afton Hotel) to hold the monthly First Friday business network meeting. Thank you.

Reply from thebestof Eastbourne:
Happy to recommend the Afton they have looked after my events for a long time and have never let me down.
When you run a business it can often be difficult to fit in the marketing of it during day to day management. The Best Of Eastbourne allows businesses to advertise to local people and other businesses with the added knowledge that David is tirelessly active on social media and on the website to ensure those businesses are being talked about.

This helps with your reach... the more people and businesses get to know who you are and what it is that you do, the better.

I have helped David on an adhoc basis with bio write-ups for businesses who do not have the time, so I have got to know him over a few hot chocolates. He is a great advocate to have and a friendly person who will help you out whenever he can. So please do not hesitate to contact him to find out what he can do for you.

I am sure this guy is running on Duracell batteries because he is always on the go.....all for the benefit of local businesses. Make yours one of them!
A great bite size workshop making twitter & social media manageable and available to me and my business.
Hugely beneficial workshop on the functionality of Twitter, would highly recommend David for offering advice or guidance on Twitter.
Excellent event. Good speakers and networking. Great venue.
Really interesting evening with really relevant speakers. Fantastic venue!
Thoroughly enjoyable evening. Great to meet some new people and share the passion.
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