thebestof Eastbourne

5/5 based on 546 reviews
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Thoroughly enjoyable evening. Great to meet some new people and share the passion.
Really enjoyed the event, excellent venue, fabulous food. Welcoming people, great speakers. Looking forward to the next one.
Interesting and varied evening. Looking forward to the next one.
I've known David for a few years now and I think he is the perfect person for this business. His passion, commitment, focus and drive are all part of why the Best of Eastbourne will be the very Best Best of!! It's great working with him, as he does what he says and delivers on time, if not before time! Look out Eastbourne and look out 2012! David has arrived.

Reply from thebestof Eastbourne:
I do love this review and any time the sun is not shining and feeling low I read it and my faith is restored!
First EBtweetup I have been able to make and SO glad that I could today. Also first time I've been to Will's Restaurant and I'll definitely be going back. Great to meet the lovely people behind the avatars. Fantastic atmosphere. Thanks, I will definitely go again.
Just went to my first EBtweetup. Great couple of hours spent at @WillsRestaurant, meeting some lovely Twitter people I have been tweeting with for some time. I'll certainly be attending in the future.
I have just attended my first EBtweetup. Both David Ruddle & the Afton Hotel are very welcoming and, after some introductions from David and the relaxed atmosphere, I quickly found myself chatting to like minded people over some nibbles and a pint!
It is a good opportunity to network, meet new people, find out more about other local businesses and hopefully let others know about our own business.

I will definitely be attending again and would recommend to anyone thinking of going.
Eastbourne 'EBtweetup' took place last night (2/8/2012) at the Afton Hotel. I have just moved to Eastbourne and had an invitation to join the EBtweetup organised through thebestof Eastbourne founder David Ruddle.
An interesting mix of business and social conversations and nibbles, meeting other new and established members in a friendly atmosphere.

Being new to Eastbourne, this provided me with an opportunity to network and get a feel for what's going on in the town with a possibility to join up with like minded individuals who wish to contribute positively to maintain Eastbourne as a great place to live or visit.

Thanks. I recommend this event and will be a regular participant.
David is an excellent ambassador for the best of members he works tirelessly promoting us all via networking social media and just generally out and about in the community. Sceptical at first about the cost and viability of such a site I now know I worried without reason, he fights our corner, promotes us at ever opportunity and is our biggest advocate at all times. Thoroughly recommended and valued as a business partner. Keep up the good work and thank you for helping us raise our profile & promoting our business at all times locally
David is a personable and approachable person who works tirelessly for 'The Best of Eastbourne'. This is a website, but so much more, that does what it says on the tin, which is to provide knowledge of what is best in Eastbourne. With David at its helm, this is a ship worth boarding if you're a business who wants to be involved in the town or simply someone who wants a recommendation for any local type of service provider or business. He also instigated 'tweetups' which are a great way of socialising and networking for anyone that gets involved in social media.
I met David at a business breakfast some months ago. I joined thebestofeastbourne as a recent newcomer to the town, and David has been unendingly supportive and helpful to me. His enthusiasm is contageous, he is endlessly patient with my problems with technology (thanks, David!) and he is a great person to work with. He has come up with great ideas to help me grow my business, and introduced me to many contacts too.

Helen Gale My Life For Living
I have no reservations recommending David at all. He is a larger than life character who is constantly networking for the practice. He often helps the practice out with our social media, which is wonderful for a 'technophobe' like myself. We have had new patients as a direct response to his tweets.
David has been so incredibly supportive of the work we do at Teenage Cancer Trust and always goes the extra mile to offer his help, support and expertise. Dave was instrumental in raising awareness of our Blue Day campaign last October and has also got fully behind our brand new Time for T campaign taking place on 24th May, tirelessly handing our posters and postcards and talking to his contacts about the event, encouraging as many people as possible to get involved. He supports our Eastbourne Fundraising group with advice and contacts and he offered to help them recruit a new volunteer Chairperson. Dave has helped set up and develop facebook sites and other online information and he has even managed to get me Tweeting for the first time ever!!!

So THANK YOU Dave for all that you do to help and support me to do my job which in turn goes towards helping local young people fighting cancer. We could not do our work without the kindness and hard work of amazing people like you. Many, many thanks.

Louise Scott
regional Fundraising for Teenage Cancer Trust in East Sussex and Kent.
Eastbourne Tweetups are a great way to meet local people who want to make the most of Social Media to promote businesses, services and just have fun. More importantly, it's a great way to prove your not crazy talking to yourself over the internet but these are real people on the other end of your updates and messages.

I've been attending the local Tweetups since they started and have made some great friendships as well as beneficial contacts for our charity. Every Tweetup brings new faces, stories to hear and experiences to share. Big thanks to the mighty David Ruddle for organising these and to the Afton Hotel and Friday Street Farm for being perfect hosts too. Keep them coming!
The very first time I walked into the Afton Hotel in Eastbourne last year for the very first Tweetup get together I was so nerves I did not know what to expect these where complete strangers I had been talking with on Twitter about Holidays & local businesses plus every day talk. Well I dont know why I felt so nerves because when I walked in it was like walking into a room full of friends you had known for ever, David Ruddle who with out this person & his out going personality this would not have be possible & so successful he is an inspiration to us all, His hard work promoting local business, he was there in person to great you, and before long you knew you had made long term friends & extended your work contact list, as it was so great that so many different businesses & local people mixed so well. The talk & ideas that followed over this last year have been enlist I am so thankful I made that first step, if you have not done so yet please do come along & meet us all & Thank you to you all.
With the "bestofeastabourne" site and supporting networking activity, David is constantly building on his promise to deliver real benefits to his members. I was recently very impressed by the concept of the 'trades' meeting, which has helped us build some links with some excellent local suppliers. The website and networking activities are now showing excellent ROI which is something I strictly assess in all our marketing activity.
I recently attended one of The Best of Eastbourne's TweetUp's with a valued client at the Afton Hotel. For those new to the exposure social media can give a local business, this networking forum works very well in bringing together like minded and forward thinking business people. It's a great way to share ideas and gain referral business and put a face to a name in your Twitter timeline in a relaxing and non-pressured environment. David Ruddle and the owners of the Afton Hotel who hosted the event were very welcoming.
Its great put faces to Tweeps and to meet local business people you might not bump into otherwise. The tweetups are always really friendly and relaxed, and I've picked up great tips from others as well as passing on my own. Wish I could get to more tweetups, I've missed several in a row because of meetings or being away. Hoping to be at the next.
I attended the second EBtweetup session back in August last year, and thanks to David I started to use Twitter after.

And 2 weeks ago I was back after 8 months.Why? Because I started a new business as an associate to APS Legal & Associates, a company providing Professional Estate Planning and Will writing and I wanted to let the local businesses and community know what I'm doing now and to see what and how they are doing as well.

Is was a great opportunity for me to meet new people and meet again with some others after a few good months.

Warm, pleasant atmosphere hosted by David. I'll definitely attend the next EBtweetup !
I wasn't sure what to expect from the #ebtweetup when I first attended one last year. Although my business is based locally I don't have many local customers so was concerned I wouldn't really 'fit' in.

But as soon as I walked through the door and was greeted in his inimitable friendly style by David Ruddle I knew that this was a great place to meet people, not just putting a face to a business but a chance to chat with local people interested in local life.

The latest meeting was an evening do providing a chance to join in for some of those who couldn't attend during the day. There was a mix of familiar faces as well as new, at a warm and inviting venue.

Whether making friends or contacts or both, the #ebtweetup is an event to look forward to.
Thanks to David and this fabulous site. A one-stop-shop to everything 'Eastbourne'!
David is certainly delivering on his promise to support his best of eastbourne customers. He has recommended me, invited me to speak at his events, introduced me to people at networking events, retweeted my tweets and passed on useful information in areas he knows I am researching... and more. He is very well networked, a great person to know. Thank you!
I am really excited to be working with David Ruddle. A very forward thinking and enterprising individual. We have worked in the past but on different projects. A great networker and I have great confidence knowing that he will take my business forward.

Sam Moodley
Gateway Financial Consulting Ltd
David is a great advocate of the best of Eastbourne and a tireless and cheerful advocate of not only our business but also other local businesses. His enthusiasm for business is infectious and I sincerely hope that more local businesses get the bug so we can showcase what a great place, Eastbourne is to do business!
I met David a couple of years ago at a local Chamber of Commerce meeting and was immediately impressed by his enthusiasm, drive and commitment. We have, since then. worked together on a regular basis and it is now great to see all those valuable skills and attributes targeted into the Best of Eastbourne. With David at the helm the Best of Eastbourne can only go from strength to strength.
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