Your Blog Posts

30 people support The Chaseley Trust as part of the Kings Coronation's Big Help Out

Staff and residents at The Chaseley Trust were overwhelmed when 30 people gave up their Bank Holiday Monday morning to help them clear their very overgrown back garden.

Thank you to the team at UK Ultra

🏃‍♀️Are you an avid trail runner?

🏃Maybe you are new to longer distance runs

🏃‍♂️Perhaps you are still looking for this years challenge

If so, we may have just the thing for you – UK Ultra‘s South Downs races in May.

Nominate Chaseley to receive £1,000

Could you spare 2 minutes to nominate The Chaseley Trust to receive a grant of £1,000?

Could you help to shape the future of The Chaseley Trust?

An Invitation to become a Trustee of The Chaseley Trust

Chaseley Resident's Wheelchair Wander

Chaseley residents are undertaking a wheelchair wander to raise money for their home

Welcome Dave to the team at Chaseley

Dave has joined the volunteer team at Chaseley

Chaseley Needs You

21 July 2022 07:24

🌱Do you love gardening?
🌱Do you have one or two hours that you can spare each week, or even just once a month?
🌱Do you want to help enrich the lives of our residents?

Chaseley Wins Award for Excellence

Chaseley are very proud to share that they have won an Award for Excellence.

The Chaseley Trust Afternoon Tea

06 September 2021 13:48

Chaseley invite residents' loved ones into their gardens for afternoon tea to say thank you for their support and kindness over the past 18 months.

Chaseley's Olympic Fundraisers

Three amazing residents at The Chaseley Trust have embarked on their very own Olympic Fundraiser - truly inspirational

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