Your Reviews
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thebestof Eastbourne, Eastbourne

David is a fountain of information - and is always happy to help! Even if it is just 5 minutes on the phone before he rushes into another meeting! Invaluable! Thanks David!

Ditzy Media, Eastbourne

Mina and Joe have been working for me, supporting an event in its 1st year. They have been great at creating engaging content and building conversations online. I highly recommend the whole team at Ditzy Media

thebestof Eastbourne, Eastbourne

David is the whirling dervish of all things Eastbourne he promotes our business in so many ways its makes my head spin from social media to face to face networking it’s like having another member of staff tirelessly working on your behalf.. 24/7! Now that's commitment to us & to the town. Great job thank you

thebestof Eastbourne, Eastbourne

David is an excellent ambassador for the best of members he works tirelessly promoting us all via networking social media and just generally out and about in the community. Sceptical at first about the cost and viability of such a site I now know I worried without reason, he fights our corner, promotes us at ever opportunity and is our biggest advocate at all times. Thoroughly recommended and valued as a business partner. Keep up the good work and thank you for helping us raise our profile & promoting our business at all times locally

thebestof Eastbourne, Eastbourne

David's never ending enthusiasm carrys you along & keeps you excited about the brand "Eastbourne" & what a vibrant diverse community we live & work in. He helps tirelessly to promote the town & its business community which can only enhance its feel good factor to those that visit us. Every town should have a "David" to promote it he's certainly creating a stir in the best possible way with thebestof Eastbourne site & concept. Keep up the good work