Your Reviews
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Eastbourne DigiFest, Eastbourne

Digifest was a brilliant event in 2023 - such a great turnout with an amazing array of speakers - very TED Talk style as well as more intimate practical workshops. Highly recommended. And all very well organised, good mix of businesses in the exhibition area and great food!

Recruitment South East, Eastbourne

I can't thank the RSE team enough for the help they gave me with recruiting my first employee. It was a big step, I was busy and they were brilliant. Very professional, thorough and responsive. I am so delighted with the outcome!

thebestof Eastbourne, Eastbourne

David is certainly delivering on his promise to support his best of eastbourne customers. He has recommended me, invited me to speak at his events, introduced me to people at networking events, retweeted my tweets and passed on useful information in areas he knows I am researching... and more. He is very well networked, a great person to know. Thank you!