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Lushington Chiropractic, Eastbourne

I have been attending Lushington since the end of July, and was recommended by a friend. I had seen the improvement in her back and was so impressed. I am still having treatment for what turned out to be quite an entrenched selection of problems with my back and neck, and do not regret spending the money I have, even though I had to 'save up' for it. It's worth it! The atmosphere is warm, friendly, relaxed and genuinely caring, from the reception through to the treatment room. Things are explained clearly, and enormous care it taken with attention to detail. Yet this is combined with a highly professional approach and in spite of the alarming cracks and squishes I have always felt safe. I would recommend Lushington to anyone with aches and pains - I am feeling considerable lighter and more flexible, can garden without much pay back now, and don't wake up in pain in the mornings. Thank you everyone.