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Recruitment South East, Eastbourne

I firstly must thank Mandy Brook for the empowerment she gave me at our first meeting, that subsequently lead to me making decisions that have seen my growth and success in a place in my career I probably would never have had the confidence to see was an option for me. With the help of Mandy and her team at RSE over the last 11 months, I have nigh on completed my masters, updated myself and gained qualifications in specialist areas that are important for my goals for 2018 . And yes, all catalysed from one single coaching session I didn't even realise was going on!... Furthermore, I have joined their Next Generation Network, a monthly networking group that is the perfect environment for individuals like myself to talk about real issues in the world of work and network with like minded people. Harriet does a great job of running the network, I need to give credit also to Martin's engaging Linked-in topics and wise words in network meetings too. The additional support I have received on an ad-hoc basis, without request, saw a gantt chart tutorial link sent to my inbox after casually mentioning I was struggling. Mandy and her team go not the extra mile to execute thier business ,in fact, i'm pretty certain they'd climb up a mountain for you!, and what's so refreshing is that they clearly love doing it. I couldn't rate these guys any higher and highly recommend that anyone struggling, exploring their options or requiring their professional services get in contact with them. I can only hope that in the near future, my own clients can think of my business in the way theirs do,I'll have seen success then!