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Hope for a Child, Guernsey

I came across Hope for a Child when researching charity challenges in 2010. I was instantly interested in the work the charity were doing and became a volunteer. Hope For a Child believe in giving a hand up rather than a hand out, so in light of this, all funds raised go towards the salaries of our dedicated Ugandan facilitators for whom we provide training in order to continue spreading their knowledge and educate others on savings and loans. A trip to Uganda in May demonstrated just how successful and impressive the vision of the people involved in our groups are once they are aware of the methods. In Kampala, three ladies took out a loan from their VSLA group, Faith & Hope, for 50,000 Ugandan shillings each (around £15 - £20) and are now renting a building and some land, opened an orphanage and are employing two teachers. 67 orphans live there and another 70 children come for schooling! Keep up the good work team!