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15 minutes exercise increases life by 3 years!

A summary of a recent BBC report suggesting how exercise can increase life expectancy by 3 years, and what exercise you should be doing

Holiday Workout - ActivZone Gym Guildford

Whilst it is important to have breaks form training for your body to recover, you shouldn’t just throw all that hard work away. On holiday it is important to unwind and it is likely your eating and drinking will be a little excessive.

Pre-season Fitness

07 July 2011 09:11

This is an example of how to get fit for any field sports, ready for the season ahead.

8 week Fat Loss

27 June 2011 10:52

Most people want to lose body fat, and for most men they also want to increase their muscle mass. I believe to achieve these goals and stay motivated with your training you need to set yourself challenges.

Four minute fat burn

01 June 2011 10:17

This article explains how tabata training is a great way to lose weight

Burn fat with the Ultimate Gym Challenge

Explains ActivZone Gym's latest gym challenge

How to get a Beach Body - fitness and health in Guildford

This article will help explain how to get the best results to show that summer six pack

Why Women should Train with Weights - ActivZone Guildford

Women can benefit massively from resistance exercises, this article will help explain how.

Nutrition for weight loss

31 March 2011 14:12

This article will help overcome weight loss problems and offer diet advice

ActivZone Andy

17 March 2011 15:39

Follow Activzone Andy and find out how he acheived his weight loss goals

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