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Top 10 Reasons To Drink Aloe Vera Gel in Guildford

Imagine slicing open an Aloe Leaf and consuming the gell directly from the plant. What are the benefits of drinking Forever Aloe Gel?

A great shave is as close as just four steps away...

The daily ritual of shaving is the closest thing many men have to a skin care routine. What most guys don't realise is that a good skin care regimen can actually improve their daily shave. By prepping the skin, the right products make for a closer shave...

L'Oreal adverts are banned for being 'too airbrushed'

Adverts for two beauty products have been banned by the advertising watchdog for being too airbrushed...

Suppliments & Hybrids to keep you healthy inside out...!

Botanical Suppliments & Hybrids which will help to keep you healthy inside out...!

Ten tips for coping with Nickel allergy!

Did you know that six hundred million people are allergic to nickel...???

What Are We Doing To Our Women?!!

Hormone imbalance is an epidemic among western women, causing many ailments
from severe PMS to breast cancer. Family Physician, Dr. Deanna Osborn, D. O. re-evaluates Traditional Hormone Treatment...

5 Tips to Return to College Looking Good - fitness in Guildford

Summer time is beginning to wrap-up, and it’s almost time to go back to college. Most people I talk to have around 2-3 weeks left of their summer holidays...

Businesses still don't 'get' social media – and it's 40-year-old marketing directors that are to blame

Given the overwhelming evidence that social commerce works, why are big businesses so slow to take advantage? Could it be because senior marketing directors don’t understand it and don’t want to admit it?

Revealed - the 515 chemicals women put on their bodies every day

Women and beauty products - it's a love affair that's been going on for centuries. And no wonder. There's nothing like a new lipstick or favourite perfume to make us look and feel good. Or so we thought...

The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar - Guildford

Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, what's it all about?

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