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Facebook cash brag rightly cost job says Oxfordshire HR expert

Did you see the media frothing at their collective mouth about bank worker Katie Furlong who was sacked after boasting about her £6,000 redundancy payout from the Royal Bank of Scotland on Facebook? Was she unfairly treated? Gap HR thinks not - read more!

My employees can’t get into work due to the snow – do I have to pay them?

Now we are back in the time of snow, a good time to clarify what employers have to pay employees if they are unable to get into work, even for circumstances outside their control.

Equality Act - No more jokes allowed, ever!

In a timely post Berkshire HR expert Carolyne Wahlen of Gap HR performs her normal preventative HR approach with this blog about the implementation of the new Equality Act and what it means for employers.

Redundancy after 26 years - can they do that?

No matter how long you have worked for a company, you have rights. Don't just walk away if they make you redundant! Employment law is there to protect you and make the employer act fairly!

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