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Animal Free Research UK, Hitchin

It's animal friendly by refusing to subscribe to animal use in research. However it promotes research into human illnesses based on non animal methods. They have persevered with this ethical approach despite the recent increase in animal experimentation and pressure from big companies. Excitingly their approach has yielded very positive outcomes and is now becoming accepted more widely within university research departments. How brilliant is that .research tailored to helping humans yet without cruelty and suffering to animals. That's why they are the best.

Animal Free Research UK, Hitchin

Dr Hadwen's Trust is an ethical research company and charity which has pioneered and promoted alternatives to animal research and is based in Hitchen. It is funded by donations, legacies and the selling of goods from its shop. By being focused, determined and true to its ethics it has developed approaches using human cells and computer generated models in the areas of breast and skin cancers, kidney disease and asthma. This has meant that viable alternatives which do not use animals have been found and accepted within the scientific community. If you want to support a business which is ethical and benefits both humans and animals choose DHT. Go on line and either become a donor and or see what is on offer in their shop. Its the best way to give to a charity whilst funding research which does not involve cruelty to animals but which has proven benefits both actual and emergent in a range of human medical conditions and diseases.