Your Blog Posts

The Queen treads the boards in Kingston

It's not often you get the chance to see one of our national treasures strutting their stuff. So seeing Dame Judi reprise her role as Titania in Peter Hall's production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' at The Rose was pretty special.

Are charities being cheated?

16 February 2010 16:41

Do you have problems getting those charity donation bags collected? I certainly do and I find it very frustrating. But most of all I think the charities are being cheated out of donations.

Fishmongers and the artful dodger

Men selling fish, charity workers, and boys peddling expensive dusters. Just some of the assortment of people who turn up on my doorstep throughout the week.

The first two I understand, but I'd love to know who's behind the duster sellers.

A magical evening at The Rose

19 January 2010 22:52

A fabulous lunch at Jamie's got my weekend off to a great start and was followed by an evening of magic (and trepidation) at The Rose.

It's not easy being green

10 January 2010 20:05

I do my best to be environmentally responsible, but public transport proves to be the final frontier between me and a reduced carbon footprint.

it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

Queues to get into Kingston, queues to get into the carparks (and out), queues at the tills, and fractious, bad-tempered shoppers. Ah yes. It must be Christmas!

Christmas arrives in Kingston

30 November 2009 22:20

Christmas has officially arrived in Kingston and the town is looking very festive. I even smiled to see the Bentall Centre Bears singing their mechanical hearts out... until I was nabbed by security that is.

Eden Walk stairway – access to car-park, party venue, or rubbish bin?

Eden Walk management owe it to the businesses in the precinct to keep every area as clean as possible. Yet the same rubbish I waded through at 7:45 was still there at lunchtime.

High costs lead to empty shops and blandness

The high costs of business premises in Kingston results in empty shops that have a knock-on effect on the businesses around them. It also means Kingston looks pretty much the same as any other town, anywhere in the country.

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