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Wolfwood, Lancaster

The dedicated staff at Wolfwood are just the best possible people to ensure that stray, unwanted found animals in the area are given appropriate secure warm accomodation and thorough veterinary checkups and treatment if necessary, until such a time that they can be re-homed with a loving owner. The support that is given to potential new owners is brilliant.The website is beautiful and information is accurate and up-to-date. The contact numbers for questions and information, advice and guidance are answered as soon as possible in a sympathetic but professional manner. My Wolfwood rescue dog, Peggotty, and I are so happy and I cannot praise Wolfwood enough for the fine service they provide in the Lancaster/Morecambe area. Interestingly the other dog-owners and dogs I meet in my local park with smiles as they excercise and with whom I have lovely conversations mostly also have had rescue dogs from Wolfwood! We are a random but extremely happy group of animal-lov