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Wolfwood, Lancaster

I often wondered how Stephen and Amy found the energy and endurance to build Wolfwood from scratch with virtually no resources whilst bringing up a family of three children. They lived in sub-standard accomodation, until recently sharing the yard with the kennels and some of the wildlife and horses by living in second hand caravans. Frequently having their water supply frozen in the winter did not stop them and they took a mortgage on a field so that the horses could have grazing and the wildlife pens could be built. Their determination and enthusiasm overcame all difficulties and as they gathered support from like minded people, who are all a credit to Lancaster, they were able to do more and more. The charity shop is run by volunteers wonderfully well, and other volunteers help to walk the dogs and care for the horses. stephen and Amy rarely have time off, evening taking fledging wildlife on holiday to be hand fed every couple of hours. Definitely 5 stars.