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Wolfwood, Lancaster

At Wolfwood all animals are cared for to the highest possible standard.Stephen tends to any injured wildlife and helps them to be rehabilitated successfully. Amy, his wife looks after the horses, geese, ducks,and chickens. Their children will often be there giving a helping hand. To assist with the social development of puppies, the children will help by nursing,feeding and playing with them. This is a family run charity. Stephens Mum looks after the wonderful web site and his Dad is there to help Stephen with any D.I.Y etc. Amy's Dad is the treasurer. There is a wonderful "backing group" that helps make money for the charity by running the shop and there is a team of reliable and hardy doggy-walking volunteers. There are many people who help, giving their time freely. What makes this such a very special charity is that everyone is working together as a team to help Wolfwood succeed.