National Memorial Arboretum

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Spent a morning here in bright sunshine although the area is open and therefore quite cold wind blowing at times. There is a lot to see and plenty of walking although they do offer land train and shuttle buggies although these were not available due to maintenance works. Worth asking if you have mobility problems. Allow time to walk around the many memorials. It truly is a marvellous concept. Fitting tribute to those who have given their lives.
I really enjoyed walking around this large site and seeing all the memorials, clearly this is still a work in progress as a lot of trees are still young and need time to establish more.
I found car parking at £3 for the day a little off putting I believe it should be free especially as machines only take cash, if you don't have cash you have to go inside and pay.
All in all glad I went, weather was very good which made the walking all the more enjoyable.
Emotional...struggle to put into words how the place makes you feel. I managed to visit the Beat area also and managed to capture an image of a plaque where my colleague was represented.
Give yourself plenty of time for this visit. Everything has been extremely well thought out. The volunteers are very knowledgeable and would recommend that you go to one of their talks. You will not be able to see everything in one visit and I will definitely have to return. The Shot at Dawn memorial very sad, some as young as 16. Sadly the wall of names has over 16,000 names on it already. The chapel has some interesting pieces in well worth going in to even if you are not religeous. Lovely afternoon tea!
On our way round we were constantly trying to imagine the Arboretum in 15 or 20 years time, when the trees have matured. It will be even more peaceful than it is now. Impossible to see and take in every Memorial in just a day. For personal reasons the Far East Prisoners of War Memorial was the most moving, followed by 'Shot At Dawn '. A wonderful, wonderful day.
This is well worth a visit beautiful grounds which is fit for the occasion people think this is a sad place not so it gives you a feeling of peace and serenati it has a calming effect and what an honour it befits the names of the fallow. There are lovely walks around the grounds and there is also a cafe to sit and have a drink. Really recommend this place
Lovely location. Beautifully kept . Dedicated to all who gave their lives in Defence of Our Country, irrespective of Rank or Colour. Plenty of Memorials dedicated to the various Services that served during the wars. Very nice spacious Restaurant serving a good selection of food. It is a very large site.
We have visited this place many times through the years from when it was first opened. There are some good walks and plenty of shaded areas we have seen this place grow there is a cafe and coffee shop along with a souvenir shop the new building is looking great
Lovely sunshine on second visit to the arboretum which remains a quiet place for reflection. The trees are coming along nicely and the high quality buildings are totally in keeping with the feel of the place. The land train is DEFINITELY worth doing, £5 well spent to see a lot of areas and memorials that might otherwise be missed, including the 'Shot at Dawn' memorial (youngest was just 17). That makes you think.
We had a delicious and reasonably priced sandwich lunch and all the staff were helpful and pleasant. Worth a visit by us all.
A lovely place to visit. Serene, tranquil. A place to gather your thoughts remember lost ones and thank the unknown for their sacrifice.
Allow plenty of time to stroll around the memorial site and read the many plaques and inscriptions. The Arboretum is an impressive concept and it deserves time to observe and contemplate what it contains. The massive armed forces memorial dominates, bearing the names of 16,000 service personnel who have died since the end of World War II. But each memorial or monument has its own interest. We did not arrive early enough to look at everything. But one of the sites which made a deep impression was the memorial to soldiers shot at dawn during World War I, for perceived cowardice or refusing to fight. They have since been pardoned. Each soldier is represented by a wooden post with his name attached, representing the post men were tied to and blindfolded, before being shot. The statue of a single man, his eyes covered, stands at the centre of a field of single posts.
At the other end of the Arboretum is an area dedicated to those who fought in the Far East. Here, a section of the original, notorious Burma Railroad has been transported. This has quite an impact when you learn that for every wooden railway sleeper which prisoners-of-war were forced to lay in appalling conditions, one man died.
This is a most serene and beautiful place to visit.
A lovely memorial, definite must see.
They have a lovely place for something to eat and drink.
A wonderful place to reflect.
What an incredible day. The whole site is so well planned. So much to see. So emotional seeing how many people have given their lives for their country. We spent 5 hours looking round all the memorials. The Christmas Day Truce and Shot at Dawn stand out for me tge most. A day I won't forget.
We had a six hour round trip to visit the Arboretum whilst on holiday from Australia and were so pleased we did. This is a wonderful place of remembrance for almost every organization involved (whether military or voluntary)in so many of the wars/conflicts.
You would need a heart of lead not to be moved by this place.
Each memorial has its own story and beautifully presented. We wandered for hours and still didn't see everything - be prepared to spend a whole day there and if possible, plan a return visit. There is no official entry fee, but a dontation is very acceptable and when you have wandered round this magnificent memorial, you will be very happy to do so.
There is a cafe on site providing light meals etc but it is also acceptable to take your own picnic. There is also a shop selling a wide variety of gifts also at very reasonable prices.
We left with the feeling that we have so much to be thankful for as so many young people gave their lives for us. Thank you all.
I am not a sentimental person, but this place really tugged at my emotions. The 'shot at dawn' memorial was heartbreaking . My father served in Burma and I learned a lot about the horrors he experienced at the Burma Star memorial. The armed services memorial is a truely beautiful and thought provoking piece of art. The chapel is lovely and the restaurant and gift shop are nicely done. Take a look at the art work near the restaurant, it is very beautiful and quite emotive. The whole place is calm,peaceful and a very fitting memorial to many types of people, not just the military. The volunteers go the extra mile to explain and help with anything you need to know. We visited in April but I would love to return when the trees are in full leaf. This is a 'must visit' place, you cannot fail to be impressed.
I went to the arboretum for a project I'm doing as part of my course I'd never been before it's a absolutely brilliant the staff are super friendly and so helpful with any questions you may have the whole site is very well looked after it takes a small army of people to keep it on operation they are very dedicated people and deserve to be recognised the restaurant is beautiful had a really nice lunch and took some brilliant photos I would recommend going on the train very good indeed from Jordan
We recently moved just a half an hour drive from here and decided to visit one Saturday morning. The main car park is just a two minute walk away and only costs £3 for all day. When you walk up to the entrance it doesn't look like much, and is a bit like a marquee (i think they were building a new one!) but you soon get a surprise when you see how expansive the land is beyond. There is no fee to enter but plenty of places and opportunities to make donations. There is also a small shop and a cafe with toilets.
When you leave the entering area it's hard to know which way to go, there are so many stunning memorials scattered around and we were eager to see them all. The whole arboretum has paths which are flat but there is a land train for those who aren't great with walking long distances.For us it was so peaceful to walk at our own pace and take everything in.
There is also a lovely lake with plenty of benches to sit and contemplate things. Whilst we were there a makeshift trench had been put up and it was amazing to see the cramped conditions so many men had to live in.
If you want a peaceful, thought-provoking day out then the National Memorial Arboretum is perfect.
It certainly makes a statement - That we remember. A perfectly peaceful and suitable place to pay respects. Free to enter. Staff were friendly and helpful. Signs were a bit confusing inside the main building - I wasn't the only one to walk into the wrong toilets accidentally. Cafe was very expensive and there seemed to be no suitable motorcycle parking (but staff did their best to accommodate us).
Walked around so unfortunately didn't see everything unbelievably still free to visit and only £3 to park
Whether just wanting to spend a quiet moment in your own thoughts or to pay respects to the fallen, this is an ideal place to gather energy and go inside your mind.

We took a road train journey to start us off and see most of the memorials before going by foot to see some in more detail.

Had a good coffee and a scone and thoroughly enjoyed our day remembering and thinking.
Captivating, thought provoking, peaceful, a place for contemplation.

Explore, delve, spend time.

Talk to others who are similarly motivated.

Just enjoy!
One thing the British do very well is remember our war dead. This national memorial showcases that to the extreme. Not just war dead tho, many others are remembered here. Apart from the remembrance wall ( a sight to behold in itself ) this huge park, part of the nation forest scheme, it's so chocked full of memorials to various organizations and groups that you could not name them. From sculptures to stone epitaphs and works of art. We spent 5 hours here and need to visit again. Well laid out with helpful friendly staff and plenty of facilities (toilets, cafe ect). I can't recommend it highly enough. Oh and it's FREE ( £3 parking charge)
Planned a short break to the area with the aim of a short visit to the NMA. 3 days and 3 visits later still haven't seen it all...not 3 full days but a few hours each day. An amazing project which appears to have been constructed with enormous thought and consideration from the colour of the leaves of trees to match flags or regimental colours to access for all. So many moving and thought provoking areas including the Christmas Truce, Shot at Dawn, Falklands, The Gulf, so many regiments and services but for me the most moving was the Far East Prsioners of War building. Thank you.
We went as we were touring the area, so glad we did. Our visit coincided with the 35th Anniversary service for the Falklands war so we saw the Royal Marines Band and the veterans which added to the poignancy. We also took a buggy tour (NB it is a huge site) our guide Susan was first class there is also a tram tour which covers different areas. There is so much to take in you really need a day at the least. There is a self-service restaurant which is good quality and a coffee shop.
We had 6 hours here, took the land train tour at £5 pp and still did not have enough time to see everything.
It is actually a very peaceful, calming place that makes you feel at ease even though the reasons behind the memorials are harrowing.
I was trying to find the tree dedicated to my Brother who was serving in the military when he was killed. There are quite a few trees to say the least but the knowledge of the volunteer staff is amazing and with their help located the tree and that of my Brothers comrades killed in the same atrocity.
I will definitely return to spend even longer there and seeing all of the sights it has to offer.
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