National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11454 reviews
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Several visits and still more to see, food is also 1st class and staff and volunteers are always helpful.
Will be 5 star once all alterations are done
Beautiful interesting place
The perfect place to pay tribute to our fallen heroes.Just so stunning and serene
Did some volunteer work there and then has a tour around amazing place and nice place to remember the fallen
Tunisia mamorial one year on a sad day
Quite possibly the loveliest place for reflection and peace. it will continue to change too over the next years to come, i will be visiting regular.
Interesting place for people who like war time history
A real time for reflection for those who have died to keep us safe. We will remember them!
We started off in blue skies and sunshine, but hit fog along the way. The staff here are all so welcoming...we wasn't sure what we wanted to do, because we had my 90 year old Mum with us, who has a walking aid. The lady on reception suggested we take the train, which we did, and my husband walked around on his own. It was a shame we couldn't see everything because of the visibility, but we will be back in the Summer months. We stopped off for delicious soup from the cafe, to warm us up and a nice cuppa, before we went home...Great place, still expanding and a wonderful place to reflect. Everyone should visit here at least once in their lives.
Thoroughly enjoyed our first visit to the arboretum - with a reservation
The land train is a great way to see most of the 300 memorials and see the site. Today was biting cold and foggy so perhaps the best way to get around. All of the staff we spoke to were friendly and enthusiastic about the venue, so it was a shame to be so disappointed in the newly opened restaurant ... we arrived after our tour at about 2:25 to find 3 sausage rolls and two pasties as the only hot food on display. There was a menu showing a vegetarian pasta bake or a turkey crown meal, but when ordered from that menu we were told the only food available was that on display! To his credit the kitchen manager (?) came out and said he could do a turkey crown meal, which we accepted. This was for my wife and I had what was by then the last pasty...
The turkey meal was perhaps one of the worst meals I've ever seen served at a professional restaurant. It was like a school dinner - warm, unappetisingly presented and with a stuffing ball that could have been used in a shotgun!
We were hungry after spending a couple of hours outdoors in freezing temperatures and were looking forward to a pleasant meal. This was anything but pleasant and left a bad taste in the mouth ( in all ways) at the end of our otherwise lovely visit
The NMA and its visitors deserves better than this!
We had been recommended to visit the Arboretum on several occasions so as usual, 'always meant to do it one day', so finally we got around to it and so glad we did. What a great memorial to those who lost their lives in past conflicts, I would find it hard to accept that visitors to this site aren't moved emotionally on reading some of the plaques in remembrance of so many who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Our son served in Iraq and northern Ireland and thankfully came home unscathed unlike so many other young people. As is inscribed on many memorial stones "We will ( and should) remember them.
Pre-booked motorised scooter - efficient and having paid the very reasonable fee of £5,00 it was ready and waiting. Excellent volunteer went through instructions in a friendly way. Headed off to scout memorial but couldn't find it. So a volunteer came down to meet us and take us to it - and then also guided us to the rest of our party who by that time had reached the other side of the park. Top marks to Michael Harrison, who was also full of interesting wildlife information. Café, toilets, parking also fine. All volunteers were impeccable, what a wonderful place.
A very thought-provoking experience. Some of the memorials were beautiful and had obviously been well thought out, especially the main feature where at 11am on 11th. November the sunlight shines through a door that is ajar. I was fascinated by the many different designs of the memorials and the symbolism incorporated in them. I found the "Shot At Dawn" memorial particularly moving; it is a statue of a young soldier blindfolded and tied to a stake awaiting his execution. Behind the statue are hundreds of stakes, each one representing someone who was shot for desertion in WWI. Each stake has a name on it and the age at which he died, many as young as 17. What is sad is they were shot for cowardice whereas most of them were suffering from the effects of combat or "post traumatic stress disorder" as we would know it today. A terrible waste of young life - and for what?

Visiting this site is a very moving experience, particularly so on the day we visited as it was Remembrance Sunday, but it is also a beautiful place and very peaceful. Everyone should visit this arboretum at least once.
Wonderful concept - great way to discuss with our kids wartime memorials. I would also recommend eating at their cafe.
Enjoyable day out and quite emotional.lots to see we visited the St John ambulance memorial of which I'm a member (serving sister.) Also saw the wooden soldiers to commemorate the battle of the Somme.Unfortunately we were not able to visit the main wall as it was close to Remembrance day and Royalty was to visit.its an amazing place to visit and really makes you think of how people in the past gave service to country.Parking price is reasonable.we took someone for their first visit and they were most impressed.For audio commentary or guided tour there is a charge.there is a train to help those who have mobility probs.I will definitely is not possible to see it all in one day.
We went to the Arboretum to see a specific memorial that we had helped fund. It is an amazing peaceful place. Each memorial is unique, it is a very large park and you could walk for hours. We found great comfort and peace for those lost that we wanted remembered. It was the perfect place to have a memorial in their honor. We are so thankful we chose this as the site for the memorial.
Wonderful memorial to the brave people who gave their lives that we can have our every day. Memorial to those executed without a reason except to encourage others to accept orders that bore no thought to the safety of the front line. A perfect opportunity here to give honour and remember the five hundred young men of Great Britain who were the first to make the sacrifice fighting fascism in Spain 1936-39. I can fine no sign of this.
Simply beautiful memorial to all our fallen service men and women, well worth a visit. Easy to get to and a beautiful place to wonder round any time of year.
This is a place that the country has created to honour the memory of those who have defended us since the second world war. It is a wonderful, peaceful place which honours the memories of those who have given their lives to make our world and our lives safer.

My wife and I had the good fortune to live for a number of years close to this space and visited it regularly, We now live thousands of miles away, but on our first return to England, we made sure that one of our first stops was the Arboretum . With each passing year it looks better and better. The people honoured in this place deserve the support of everyone in Britain.

Every time my wife and I return to Britain we will visit this place and donate to those ho deserve our respect and our help.

Alan and Soledad, Chile.
First visit for 6 years. The whole site has developed wonderfully. The memorial to the ww1 executed is deeply moving. The visitors' centre is lovely too.
This was our second visit here and managed to see more of the memorials. This is a special place and very thought provoking. Would definitely recommend visiting here - good paths for the most part and well kept memorials throughout...
Went just over 12 months ago and found main area closed off for repairs so had to go back when in the area again.
They appear to have done a lot of work and more going on, very rewarding place to go and be humbled. Always many service personal from all the branches to reply to any question you might have also taking private and personal family visitors around.
Good displays both inside and out , cafe good as well . parking good on site with overflow parking a little walking distance away.
I have visited the NMA several times and regard it asTHE place to remember the sacrifice our armed forces have made for us.It is a superb location in such peaceful surroundings.The memorials celebrate all branches of the military and civil emergency services ,Commonwealth , civil bodies whose members have been lost in conflict and many more.Facilities are first class with an excellent shop and cafe. The grounds are extensive and beautifully maintained with long easily accessible avenues and a nature trail alongside the River Tame. The current Somme Art installation is both poignant and inspiring. Make sure you visit you will remember it forever
Super new facitilites just opened. Lots of different memorials to visit. Check website for the range of activities going on.
The wooden soldiers representing the number of soldiers who died on the first day of the Battle of the Somme really makes an impression.
Lots of interesting areas to check out.
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