National Memorial Arboretum

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Although it was very cold when we went, it is a fabulous place. There are loads of memorials to lots of different groups serving this country during time of strife. There are loads of volunteers to help you, they are friendly and knowledgeable and the restaurant serves really good food and drink at a reasonable price. The place has mobility scooters to hire, a chapel as well as activities laid on throughout the year. We will definitely return later next year.
A good walk around. Lots to see and read. Its very interesting and makes you feel honoured to be there. We really enjoyed the experiance and learnt alot about our past.
Very interesting and thought provoking place to wander around and to reflect on how lucky we are to be able to do so. Map shows the principal monuments so you can get your bearings, but there are literally dozens - perhaps hundreds - of smaller monuments no less important for helping visitors to remember those who made the supreme sacrifice.

Somehow it seemed fitting to visit in winter when it is perhaps less busy and more quiet. A very thought provoking place. An especially poignant moment for my wife, a teacher, who found the name of an ex-student, a Royal Marine who perished in Afghanistan.

Some monuments not directly approachable by path, so stout shoes/walking boots recommended especially if the weather has been wet. Small coffee shop (excellent coffee!), large restaurant and shop. Eye-watering running costs of almost £3 per minute makes the Pay & Display charge of £3 all day seem trivial. Basic entrance is free, but maps, guides, land train, museum etc are all extra, but are good value.
We visited the National Memorial Arboretum with friends as we wanted to experience the amazing tributes to those who have fallen in all aspects of service. We both have young children and used the Land Train to get an informed idea of exactly when is present. We also ate in the newly built resturant which served a lovely Christmas menu and the food was of very good quality and service was efficient. We will definitely return to take in more of the important achievements of those who are no longer with us.
This was our first visit to the Arboretum and it was a humbling experience. We spent about 4 hours walking round, the weather held which was good and we managed to see a lot. We had something to eat in the restaurant which was nice, and did some shopping at the gift shop. All the staff we're welcoming and friendly. Would definitely visit again.
Visited with my husband just after Remembrance Day and it made us very grateful for the people who fought and lost their lives to give us our lives today. As well as the memorial wall which names everyone killed in service from the Second World War to the present day. It is a wonderful place with landscape gardens full of various memorials dedicated to different battalions and others who have lost their lives in various wars. There is also a cafe, restaurant and a great gift shop. It is suitable for wheelchairs and prams. We spent a good two hours there and still hadn't seen it all. I would go again and would recommend it to others.
My first visit since the refurbishment of the visitor centre. They have made a lovely job of it. Went on the land train this time and is well worth the £5 charge. The commentary is very informative and really does make you think. Try and catch the 11am service in the chapel.
I didn't realise until I visited the National Memorial Arboretum, just how many wars our country has been involved in. It is a truly humbling experience.
While I appreciate that many visitors value having this special place where they can remember people who lost their lives in war, purely as an arboretum the site is not that attractive. The trees still lack maturity and the layout seems too stark – too many straight lines, circles and concrete. No Capability Brown serpentine influence here. For me, a gentler landscaping would have provided a more inviting place to ponder about those lost lives and the havoc and grief that war causes in the world. Perhaps in 20 or 30 years time, the contours of the park will have softened enough to give a less austere impression.
What an amazing place! There is so much to see that this cannot be just a quick visit. We walked round the perimeter with our dog when we arrived and saw some of the memorials and went back the following morning without the dog to have a proper look round.

After attending the 100am service, which is always a moving moment we had a short talk about the history of the site before joining a walking tour. This I highly recommend - we were very fortunate to be the only two so it was like having a personal tour. The volunteer was so informative and he definitely had a passion for the place. By having a guide you get to hear of so many little things that you would never know by walking around on your own.

This is not a memorial just for the Forces but anything from those taken through cancer to young children who lost their lives - so very emotional.

We will definitely go back as the outlook changes through the seasons with the many flowers and bulbs that have been planted.
3rd visit but first for a few years . There have been big improvements in the interim. The Landtrain is a great addition, full tour in 45 minutes (£5) and then you can return and cherry pick what you wish to see in more detail .
The Far East POW hut is always a must see, moved to tears every time, so powerful.
Shot At Dawn ( WW1) an equally powerful new addition.
The new visitor centre and restaurant are very nice . The whole experience is a really worthwhile day out, although free , a £5 donation is asked for and good value at that .
What is noticeable is that there is no mention at all about the political context of war, the rights and wrongs of conflict, and quite right too. This is about the men ,and women ( and some animals )who served , and who were lost forever.
It makes one humble and thankful.
Standing and taking in the absorbing memorial. When you have a chance to realize the sacrifices in what people did to give people the freedom that we take for granted. A rewarding and awe inspiring day is guaranteed.
Having had a quick visit here a couple of years ago for the RMP memorial service when we didn't really see much we finally managed to get back and have a good look round. There are so many memorials dotted about the place its would take forever to describe them all. We planned an overnight stay at the local premier inn so we could see it all. Even if you have no military connection it makes you stop and think. It is a lovely well kept area and if you have problems walking distances you can take the buggy or train ride £5. The main Arboretum is free to enter.
We broke our weekend trip to Manchester at the National Memorial Arboretum, a place we had wanted to visit for some time. Our access was somewhat limited by the fact we had our dog with us, but the dog walking route was very enjoyable, and the provision made for 'dog families' is better than many places. The grounds are beautiful, and reading the various memorials and descriptions, especially on a bright sunny wnter's day, makes you think. Helpful and friendly staff made our visit all the better.
Surprised by its size. Need to allow a full day to get around. Also need a good dry day because when we went there had been floods stopping the little train rides which covers several miles.
The memorials are excellent and worth a visit. The cafe is a little expensive and many people take their own food. It is very well maintained and a definite visit location.
It is easy to get to and central for most travellers.
Lots of Memorials for Army, Navy and Air Force and much more to see and do, I went in November, but will go again in late spring early/ summer ,to see the trees in leaf and the flowers in bloom,
Train ride is worth the cost about and hour around the grounds , then you can walk and see the memorials up close, the service in the Chapel with a two minutes silence is very moving with a short talk on the history on the Arboretum and how it came about, other talks during the day.
As I said not to be missed, it is the one of most interesting places, being ex army,worth the trip. Go and see the NMA.
The National Arberitum is a must to visit for all ages. It's a very somber but humbling place to go pay your respects to those for have fought and gave their lives for the country. Allocate a full day as it's a vast place to walk around. Entrance is free, but they do like a gift of at least £5, which is nothing.
The Arboretum is a wonderful, moving place to visit, offering much for whatever age.
I'll be back again when time permits.
This is the second time we have visited the Arboretum. We find it very peaceful but interesting. We managed to see a number of new memorials.
I visited the memorial on my 60th birthday (with my wife) as I felt ready to pay my respects to the lads that didn't return from the South Atlantic in 1982....
What an experience, wasn't sure what I would find or how I would react. The site is so well thought out and with so much symbolism! The staff and volunteers are so knowledgeable and the site so peaceful. I will certainly visit again and again possibly at different times of the year so I can see the site in all its forms. Worth every penny and more!
Everyone should go here at least once in their lives. It's a beautiful place, but also a haunting reminder of the sacrifices made by generations before us. And you could go multiple times and still not see anything because it's so huge - just make sure you wrap up warm if it's a cold day!
This was our first visit to the Arboretum which was easy to find, signposted well on the A38. £3-00 to park all day, well worth it. The fairly new visitor centre is very impressive and the staff only willing to please. As it was our first time and very cold, we paid to go on the little train that navigates around the 150 acres, including an audio recording, good choice. The site has been reclaimed from an old gravel excavation alongside the river Tame. 40,000 maturing trees and shrubs have now been planted. The hour long tour describes the 300 memorials, statues, wood carvings, stone and metal sculptures in such eloquent detail. We then walked to the armed forces memorial and Basra wall before the cold won. This is a truly remarkable place, a fitting tribute to not only those that served and died in conflict but also to the charities and organisations that now exist because of this. A moving experience that we will remember until we come again but on a warmer day.
First time we had visited, we went after a recommendation after a relative, the weather wasn't with us but so glad we did. we spent nearly five hours there but still didn't get to see all the memorials and gardens. A truly moving, humbling and emotional afternoon, a lovely tribute to those who have lost their lives. It is definitely worth a visit and we will be back to see what we didn't get to look at.
Been on another visit today. The new visitor centre is now open - brilliant. The restaurant is now bigger; there is a new coffee shop; the retail shop also bigger. The sun was shining and we had a lovely stroll. £3 parking fee well worth it. The Autumn/Winter crocus were well in bloom. The volunteers care very welcoming . X
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