National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11455 reviews
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Fantastic place, this was a second visit and I shall be returning again soon, such a peaceful place a wonderful place to contemplate what bravery people have shown. The shot at dawn memorial is really touching.
I can feel the tears welling up as I write......
A must not be missed place to visit if in the area. If not make a point of visiting.
A fitting tribute to not only the fallen but those who have survived the rigors of any war or active service.
A place to pay respects to all services as all services has a memorial and thank them for keeping us safe.
The staff are extremely informed and helpful and the 11.00am mass is a must.
We spent a very informative & enjoyable day here. Landscaping is very carefully thought out and we learned a lot.
We visited the National Memorial Arboretum the week end before Armed Forces Day, The site is well laid and we opted to take the land train round and made notes of memorials and place we would walk too after we completed the round trip. The commentary was very informative and interesting. We had lunch in the Arbour Restaurant which was vey good. I would recommend a trip to the Arboretum for every school as an interesting and informative history lesson. This is one place I will return to.
Spent 3 very moving hours here - memorials for wide variety of areas - the one for the "shot at dawn" was particularly moving - beautiful surroundings - well worth a visit / slight detour - to show respects
The restaurant is nice, self service with friendly staff. We had a very good value and excellent choice Sunday Lunch.
We chose the hottest day of the year for our visit! so did not feel able to trawl round as many displays as we would have liked. However, what we did see was excellent. The staff were extremely helpful and were able to locate all the names on the memorial wall that we were looking for. What a beautiful memorial, and very moving to see. The catering was very good - a very pleasant cafeteria, again with helpful staff. We travelled from Glasgow just to see this attraction. Just wish we could have spent more time there - preferably without the 33 degree heat!! It was well worth the journey and we will have no hesitation in returning when possible.
A place that gets to you, full of pride and sorrow, a beautiful landscape in which to think, loose yourself, somewhere you should visit even if you have no connection to the military, you can't fail to be moved and walk away in owe of human kind.
An incredibly well laid out group of memorials to everyone who took part in different conflicts. It takes a while to get around the whole site but there is something for everyone .it really does show how many gave their lives for us to be free.
My husband and I decided at the last minute to visit, but having been once I will be returning. The monuments commerating all members of the forces who lost their lives are quite simply magnificent. The surroundings will only become more outstanding with time. One needs to visit to experience the very special emotions that you will most definitely feel.
National Memorial Arboretum is a fantastic day out for young and old alike so very interesting and very moving we have been several times and each time there is new things to see it is a very peaceful place to visit
As an ex member of HM Forces this has been on my 'To do list' for a while.
A most enjoyable 5-6 hours was spent by myself, wife and eldest son (30)
Well worth visiting and spend some time reminiscing!
Was amazed at the size of this. A thought provoking place to meander around, loved walking along the river. It was extremely busy on the Saturday we visited, restaurant was a little overrun, and didn't have much gluten free for one of us. Shop had some nice merchandise.
Superb facilities & tranquility when you need it. I walk my dog on the dog trail & pay admiration to the craftmanship & beauty of the arboretum.

It blends a mixture of respect & tranquility which is apt.

Take care driving off the last roundabout as there is a very sharp left bend where you may face the large trucks from the sandpit.
This was the 4th time I have visited the National Memorial Arboretum, and I never cease to wonder at the truly inspirational monuments commemorating the bravery of those who died for us. It is such a peaceful environment, with lots of areas in which you can sit and reflect.
A return visit to the nma. A nice place to reflect and think. Would recommend to anyone to visit for a few hours at least
I've visited three times now over the years and it continues to get better. It is one of the most inspirational, awe-inspiring and humbling places to visit and each time I have come away with a increased pride in being British and knowing that so many people have given their lives for their country to help keep the rest of us safe. The trees which have been planted are now well established and there are more memorials each time I visit. The bronze and stone sculptures are amazing. We visited this time on a calm and very still, humid day. Other visits have been when it's windy and, as it's so flat, the winds do cut across on a breezy day but the maturing trees do provide a much better windbreak now. The grounds are beautifully kept and the pathways are easy to walk. Although there are steps up to the main central memorial a steady path snakes around the bank so the disabled are able to access it without use of the steps. The central monument on a hill is amazing. There are 15,000 names engraved on the stone walls of men and women who have died in the service of their country since the end of World War II and there's room for a further 16,000 names. The spectacle of the names beautifully carved on the walls is very humbling but the empty space waiting for more names was what brought me to tears. There is now also a memorial to those 306 soldiers who were "Shot at Dawn" for "cowardice" in World War I. 306 stakes in the ground with just a name and age on each. The majority were just babies some as young as 16 yrs old. I wept. They were officially pardoned in 2006. I bought a cross and carried it around with me intending to lay it at the RAF memorial in honour of my Dad but I planted my cross here instead. I think my Dad would have approved. The River Tame runs so peacefully alongside the arboretum and makes a very pleasant walk to sit and drink in the emotion of the place. There is also a memorial and chapel for those who died in the Far East conflict building the Sumatra railway. Incredibly emotional and humbling. There are plentiful benches all around the arboretum and for those who find walking a bit too much there are little trains that will take you around and give you a guided tour allowing access for everyone. Like all attractions these days there is a very good coffee shop serving an excellent range of meals, a very good gift shop and very clean visitor toilets. Car parking is ÂŁ3.00 a short walk away across the road but even this is optional with an honesty bucket provided in the reception area. Disabled parking is available outside the visitor centre itself. There is no fee to enter the memorial arboretum but I do recommend you buy a map to find your way around to each of the stunning memorials. I guarantee you will come away a better person with a bursting pride in your fellow countrymen and women.
This place has been built really well, if you are up for a good walk you can manage it, however if you struggle a bit i would get the land train, as it was exhausting and I am fit!, I found it kind of weird .. not having any proper graves etc. but areas were very moving and it was interesting.
Aboretum...trees... you think you'll be talking a walk a forest of some sort.
Nothing like it at all.
The first thng that hits you is the openness of the place. 150 acres made up of flat land, well manicured expanses of grass areas, groves rather than forests - and of course the memorials, hundreds of them.

It's a nature reserve, it's well managed gardens, it's history, it's education.
But above all it's memories. Stunning dedications not just to those who served and died in the service of the UK, but of the days of the British Empire and our Commonwealth - Nyasaland and Southern Africa, Rhodesian Rifles, the Far East, ANZACS. The Armed Services of course, and the centrepiece wall of remembrance with its stunning and poignant sculptures.

Wander as I did for 2-3 hours and you come upon a memorial that's not just 'in memory of' but gives an insight into the past.
One of the most enlightening for me was the role that the Society of Friends (Quakers) have played - medical and welfare assistance to all in theatres of combat, regardless of nationality. Conscientous Objectors, still able to serve in some way.

As you'll gather, this isn't just a military memorial site.

Roam as I did and happen upon the children's area.
A large grove of trees, each dedicated to someone lost too early. I defy anyone not to be overcome.

The National Memorial Arboretum ranks up there with one of the best attractions I've EVER visited.
Everything seems to be so well thought out. There's even a hop-on hop-off land train giving a guided tour.

As I've said, it's many things in one and I'd have thought that whatever you go there for you'll be satisfied, whether you stay an hour (which would be far too short I think) or a day.
Spent the full day (26th July) at the National Memorial Arboretum. An outstanding and fitting way of showing the nation's respect for our fallen. Unfortunately, it rained all day but no problem, my friend and I just made a couple of 'Tactical Withdrawals' back to the Visitor Centre where we had coffee breaks and lunch. The staff and volunteers were all welcoming and friendly. Our visit coincided with a wreath laying ceremony by the veterans of the Korean War. It was good to see so many people catching up with each other and sharing their stories. Also, I was able to find my Step Uncle's name; Robertson D - (Army) Derek Robertson, youngest son of George and Ruby. Brother of Ernest, Gladys and Katherine. Killed in Korea, 1953. He is remembered. Armed Forces Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum. My friend and I were able to spend the whole day, 1030hrs - 1630hrs. It is so interesting that the time past without a drag. We hope to return - when the sun shines:))
Hired a motorised scooter for elderly father so he could visit everywhere he wanted. Staff were very friendly and helpful. Fascinating place with memorials to all branches of the Military from WW2 onwards. A great day out that we all enjoyed.
Wonderful presentations and memorials which illustrate the sacrifices made by many thousands of men and women to defend Great Britain over many years.
A touching and moving experience not to be missed.
A wonderful place of remembrance. Monuments to various groups, mostly military but also other sites for others who need to be remembered.
Very good facilities of all sorts, plus a shop with many interesting items for sale.
A very emotional and humbling memorial to our serving forces, both past and present. We came away feeling thankful for our ancestors who lost their lives in the various battles/wars to give us a better future. The gardens and memorials are beautifully kept. The café served a lovely selection of food and drinks. There is a 'train' which takes you around with piped information about the various sites - suitable for those with limited mobility.
A humbling and emotional visit to the 150 acre National Memorial Arboretum. A fitting tribute to all those who have given their life for this country since the end of World War 2 . Many of the regimental monuments are quite outstanding. If you are of advanced years or lacking in fitness as, understandably, most visitors seemed to be I would suggest using the land train to get an overall picture of the site. Otherwise you will need several visits to view everything.
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