National Memorial Arboretum

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Visited recently, spent most of the day wandering around all the memorials learning and retaining information. Very educational, interesting and inspiring. Chapel was lovely to see, especially the carvings and overall ambience. I can't believe it is free to get in. Tea rooms were good value and the souvenir book with map was well worth £6.50. As a military family we appreciated the relevance of memorials to recent conflict and thought everything was done tastefully and with respect.
My wife and I visited the NMA for the first time in June, on a rainy day, and were so impressed with the peace, serenity, tranquillity and beauty of the place. We realised that it has a great deal more to do, but with time, devotion and great skill this will always continue. We would recommend this place to all people who wish to remember love ones.
We live locally and are regular visitors. Is a large site so allow lots of time - you will probably spend longer there than you anticipated!
First time we have visited this place and must say it is everything that we where expecting and more.
We didn't realize how big it is (150 acres) or how many monuments that are there.
Going around it makes you realize how many people of all Nationalities have died in conflicts around the World.
I would recommend everyone should go, we will defo be going back
Although it is free to go in (£3 car parking all day). The cost of the food does seem a bit on the dear side but on saying that all proceeds do go to the centre.
This is such a thought provoking day our. Lots to see and lots to take in! The grounds are immaculate and always looked after to the highest standard. You need at least 3 hours to take it all in. Great day great visit thanks.
We opted to take the little train around the site and we are glad we did. It cost £5 each and we puchased our timed ticket from the little coffee kiosk just outside the welcome centre with the train departing from close by. The trains run at every thirty minutes at peak times but you cannot 'hop on and off'. If you opt to disembark the train at any point then you must continue on foot from that point. The ride took about 50 minutes and we listened to a pre-recorded commentary as we went around the site which provided us with a wealth of information, facts and figures about the many memorials scattered around the beautifully landscaped gardens and woods.

Parking costs £3 and there are no entry charges as such but visitors are encouraged to each make a £5 donation as it costs £4,000 per day to run the Centre.

It is certainly well worth a visit and there are lots of seats around the routes and within many of the individual gardens. Plenty of cafes, restaurants and kiosks for refreshments as well as some souvenir shops.
the monument are fantastic gardens are well kept the birds songs can send you to sleep the only draw back is the parking all have to pay even the disable the restaurant serves good food there is a nice chapel to sit out side the chapel there is a coffee shop and a charity shop if you can not walk round there is a train for a charge will take you round with a commentary.
I'm not sure what I expected but this is a very peaceful place, albeit on a huge site. More to see than we could fit in. Not sure it particularly disabled friendly as many memorials are well off the hard paths. Maybe a little difficult for wheels during winter months. Toilets are not as freely available as I would expect, particularly for disabled and elderly. Found the whole experience very emotional, but I suppose that's to be expected.
My wife and I visited here for the 3rd time on friday 10th July 2015, we both love it here, it is so well thought out, every exhibit is so well thought out and designed and it is so peaceful and tranquil there, the parking is £3 for the day, there is no entry fee they just ask for a donation, it is well worth the money for anyone wishing to visit.
Very nice place to visit. The land train is accessible to disabled people with wheelchairs and commentary is available on the train to assist you with information about the memorials. Well worth a visit.

Tracy from Dudley
This place is full of history, it's peaceful, tranquil and give you time think about what people have given up to allow this country to be the free society we now have.
We heard about this special place and decided to visit on route to Derby. There is plenty of parking across the road at a cost of £3.00 for the day. There is no entrance fee but you can make a donation. To access the grounds you need to go through the restaurant which as recently been refurbished. Walking round the extensive grounds gives you a sense of calm and tranquility. The wall of remembrance was especially touching as was the shot at dawn memorial. There are plenty of benches and picnic areas to rest and ponder on those who lost their lives for us.
You really must visit this place I can not describe how you feel when you see all the names of people who have died protecting our Country since the end of the Second World War and its so sad that there are still places for more names to be added
Attend the 11am service with the 2 minute silence and a little talk giving you information about the various memorials
It really is a must see place just beautiful
Didn't quite know what to expect, but was blown away - what a fabulous day out. Everything was so peaceful but so interesting. Would recommend being at the shot at dawn remembrance for the talk. If you are not too mobile there is a train to take you around. If you are mobile, wear walking shoes, ther is a lot to see, all assistants are helpful and informative. Can't recommend this enough!
As a (proud) member of Blind Veterans UK I have wanted to visit here for some time. By coincidence we decided to go on 7/7 and shortly after arriving and enjoying a coffee in the reasonably priced restaurant we were called to stand for the minute's silence. Emotions welled as we all stood quietly remembering the tragedy, not just of that terrible day in London but the many other sad acts of terrorism wrought in the name of religion. Immediately we exited the restaurant we were in the Blind Veterans Garden, which is lovely and resplendent with fragrant and tactile plants.
The entire venue is beautifully and sensitively laid out and expertly cared for. We didn't have time to see all that we had intended to see but we shall most certainly return. On our next visit will allow more time to stroll round and absorb the tranquillity of this tribute to those men and women who gave us the right to walk and talk freely.
Very tidy and professional with a somba atmosphere - I spent a day with my family, my friends son is there so was a very sad day would always go again and pay my respects
Lovely place, such a lot to see. You can easily spend the day here. Great place to bring someone who has served the country they will br with pride.
I was told about this place by a friend, and when I got there you could feel the peace and quite not one still bird was singing. It was beautifully laid out and you would need at least two days to fully see this wonderful place.It is a great tribute to all those who have lost their lives in war. You can travel there by train or bus if you do not have your own transport.
Huge site, with an incredible amount of different memorials, all well looked after and could easily spend a full day there
Traveled as part of a coach party leaving home early morning. Arrived in time for a breakfast, highly commended, before participating in the daily remembrance service. Purchased a highly informative guide book containing a wealth of information on the site. A choice of land train tour or golf buggy tour, each covering a different route, and both priced at £5. Opted for the golf buggy, complete with incredibly knowledgeable volunteer guide.

Laid out with an incredible amount of forethought, the site has many memorials that stop you in your tracks. Historical events that have slipped from the memory banks, and some that you have participated in are all here. Well worth a visit, and in my opinion, a visit should be included as part of the national curriculum. The cafe is well stocked and busy. Worthy of note is the incredibly helpful lady from the kitchen, ready with advice and assistance. I did overhear pricing policy being discussed by a couple of other visitors. Please remember there is no admission charge, and funds generated within the cafe go to meet the running costs of the arboretum.

All in all an excellent day out, which we used as a taster for a future visit on our own.
As a family we have been meaning to visit and finally got chance to on the 1st weekend in July, the main memorial is very stunning as are the grounds,

There is a unique feel in the different parts of the grounds, with a vast array of memorials and monuments. Some celebrating weddings and anniversary's nestled amongst memorials of fallen service men and women. Not a sombre place but thought provoking and worth a visit, we spent several hours there and still didn't see it all, plenty of memories though
The people that put this place together have been rightly lauded for their vision and persistence. The whole atmosphere from when you walk in until you leave is so peaceful and evocative of respect. We got there early, just in time for the daily service of remembrance and used the train to find our bearings. We then walked the rest. The cafe is awesome, the gift shop is superb and the staff (all volunteers) are amongst the best I've had the privilege to listen to.
We went along to this arboretum on the recommendation of our daughter. We went on the 2nd July 2015 during the "heatwave" we travelled from South Wales and it took us about 2hrs to get there on arrival we were met by a volunteer who welcomed us and gave us a map. We entered via a reception area and on into a cafe where we had a coffee before going out into the arboretum, a quiet start to our visit as the emotions that assail you as you wander around are overwhelming I found my self moved by the memorials on many occasions. We all know about the wars that have taken place in past years but to see all the names of people who have given there all for our freedom is very humbling. There is a lot of walking involved but if you have problems walking there is a land train this costs £5 per adult but it is worth every penny as the commentary is well worth the charge. There are volunteers all around the site ready to give you help and directions if you need it. We will be going again it was an eye opening experience. All this and there is no entry charge we left a donation in an envelope provided for this purpose.
Visited June 6, at a D-day commemoration, very moving and thought provoking in particular the Far East military tribute to the prisoners of war. Fantastic visit should be part of the school curriculum.
I had seen the big wall thingy featured on the TV and wanted to go and have a look for myself. So when we had to visit Liverpool for a wedding we decided to break the journey halfway at the Memorial to take a look.
Well I was gob-smacked! It's not just ONE memorial - It's LOADS of them. And it's not just for military folk either - there are memorials to Still birth victims and limbless, etc.
The gardens are all restful and welcoming. It's not a sad place to be but more a thought-provoking one. It really does make you remember - but in a good way.
The place is run by the British Legion so there are lots of Poppy volunteer types who are only too keen to help and advise. There's a little train to take you all the way round and if you want to go back anywhere afterwards they can take you on a buggy if you cant walk that far!
Please make the effort to call in on your way somewhere - or go there especially. You wont regret it, I promise you.
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