National Memorial Arboretum

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I visited the arboretum for the first time yesterday not really knowing what to expect but I was abolutely blown away by the whole experience. It's a beautiful place with a nice visitors centre. Nobody hassles you at all to buy things/take trips etc and there are no admission charges. I went as part of a group by coach so I'm not sure what the car parking charges are. There is a cafe in the visitors centre and also a stall outside selling drinks and snacks, the drinks and food were about average prices. There are plenty of seats outside for picnicing as well as seats inside the cafes. There is a train with commentary taking visitors around the site for £4.50. the tour lasts approx 45 mins and was ideal for us because we weren't sure what we wanted to see.
The site is divided into many areas commemorating mainly service personnel but also civilians. It was beautifully laid out. The most poignant was the "Shot at Dawn" which commemorates all of the soldiers who were shot during the First World War for cowardice but who were suffering from shell shock'
We were very lucky with the weather, it was hot and sunny, so were able to visit most of the site. We spent about 5 hours there but could easily have spent longer. As it's situated by a river, there are some lovely riverside walks.
I would love to go again as there is so much to see. The Arboretum is being extended so it will be interesting to see what will be added.
We last visited here quite a few years ago and so this return visit was well overdue. The main memorial is awe inspiring and certainly a place for quiet reflection.

We took the land train which has a full commentary and takes you to the outer reaches of the arboretum, this gave us plenty of ideas which memorials we wanted to spend more time looking at. It costs £4.50 (& £2 for children) for the land train -which is optional, but well worth it.

There was a hunt for children, which costs £1.50; they get a small gift on return. Some of the clues are a little vague and even my 9 year old found it a bit confusing, we found plenty of bemused parents and few of the promised markers, but it was a lovely sunny day and we were in no hurry. the walk along the river path is gorgeous.

My daughter loved the freedom to stroll on the grass, between the trees and stop to read many of the memorials. 'Shot at dawn' was particularly moving.

We bought ice creams and some lovely gifts in the gift shop, Union Flag cuff-links in a presentation box and limited edition poppies. All at reasonable prices.

All in all we spent 3 hours at the arboretum and did not get to the railway line memorial or SANDS garden. The chapel is so peaceful and has a childrens area for them to sit and read books. There is also a small play area / assault course for 6 - 13 year olds, with many of the trees in that area dedicated to children, many of which are heartbreaking and make you count your blessings. There are also memorials for Dunblane and Attoya Island.

The only cost is parking £3 for the day, then contributions are welcomed. The volunteers are informative and helpful, but in no way intrusive.
A lovely place to relax and reflect on life. Very nicely kept and some lovely memorials to the services and others.
Superb setting in huge acres. Could spend most of a day there. Excellent facilities, nobody hassling you, and very informative and moving. Highly recommend.
I have been here a number of times over the years, most often on or around May 25th to remember some old shipmates still on patrol in the South Atlantic.

The whole site is huge and extremely well laid out with plenty of space for everyone to be able to find a quiet place to sit.

The main memorial with the walls commemorating all of those who have fallen in service is unbelievably moving, although the spaces left yet to be filled with names are more so as it reinforces the sad truth that the sacrifices of our young men and women are just going to continue.
Having never visited before but living locally we felt we should pay the NMA a visit. And I am really glad we did. This is a really impressive tribute to those who have lost their lives and is in a fantastic environment, the layout is really well thought out with the monument offering a superb centrepiece. It is well looked after and is a really thought provoking experience.
The NMA at Lichfield is easy to find straight off the A38/A513.

We have intended to visit for a couple of years now and the opportunity arrived during our trip home from The Yorkshire Dales, The Lake District and Southport.

It would be recommended to set aside in excess of 3 hours for a visit as there is so much to see and the memorials are spread over a large area. The parking is £3.00 for a full day and this is the only fixed fee as visitors are invited to make suitable donations to the Royal British Legion that are used towards the upkeep and general running costs of the stie.

We were pleasantly surprised to see the number of visitors during our visit as we were not expecting anywhere near as many. The various memorial gardens a laid out around the central main memorial circle and connecting pathways allows for a leisurely stroll around the site which is completely flat and easy going. We were blessed with excellent bright, warm and sunny weather which enhanced our enjoyment.

This is a well worth destination to visit to reflect and remember all those heroes from past and present conflicts.
Attended a Memorial Service and was overwhelmed by the tranquilty of gardens. Would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone - old or young!
We had visited three years ago but more memorials had been added. It is always a humbling
experience and the whole area is so well maintained. The volunteers are very helpful and give
plenty of information.

There is no charge for admission but you pay £3 for car parking
A wonderful tranquil well organised place to visit. A superb place to spend some quality time paying respect to those that gave their lives in World conflicts. A trip on the road train is ideal and all the volunteers are so helpful and knowledgable.
A credit to all those that give their time to volunteer.
Visited on a wet and windy Saturday in May, must get there before 11.00 so you can give 2 minutes silence in the Chapel. We joined Peter our guide for a walk around the area visiting most of the arboretum, memorials of interest for the ex-service personnel amongst us, were pointed out so that you could revisit them at your leisure during the day.
Time available for a coffee or a meal in the restaurant was a welcome break during the day.

Excellent peaceful area with knowledgeable staff, keep up the good work

fee of £3.00 for car parking
Fantastic place to visit. Very humbling. Grounds are gorgeous, best on a clear dry day. Parking is £3 but all money goes to keeping it free to enter. Allow plenty of time and make sure you read at least some of the information available. Big thank you to all the people who work so hard to make it such a special place.
We lived close to the Arboretum when it was being developed 15 years ago and our children actually planted trees there. We went back this weekend to see the whole development and were left stunned by the layout and beauty of the place. It truly is a fitting tribute to our fallen heroes. Beautifully maintained it is a great place to walk and observe the many memorials to all the services. Our visit was enhanced by Royal Marines past and present re-dedicating their own memorial - a truly moving service with the Band of the Royal Marines adding to the atmosphere of this exceptional place.
Having read about the Arboretum I have been wanting to visit here for some time. Its about a 2.5 hour drive for us but we made a detour on our way to somewhere else and I am so pleased we did.
This is an incredibly well thought out, serene place, the planting and setting is outstanding and I felt very privileged to be able to wander in such a beautiful moving place. We spent three hours and could have spent longer. The overflow car park was in use yet this place is so vast that you never felt that it was crowded or spoiled in any way.
The staff, many of them volunteers were welcoming and informative. The guide book was excellent and the toilets and restaurant were very clean and the food was good. The gift shop was nice and suitably priced.
Access for the less mobile seemed very well provided for, because by its very nature there are many older people who visit. We actually had the pleasure to get talking to an 87 year old wonderful lady who had been in the land army, she was fascinating!
There is a train that runs around the whole site and when I visit again, which I will with my elderly parents, I expect this will be very useful.
I was overwhelmed by the place, everyone should visit if they can, its free entry (donations welcome) and all day parking is only £3
There are distinct areas here.Some,at the back of the'mound',are ill-defined and lack -lustre.However, move towards the river and the front of the site andit all changes.Each unit of the services has their own special themed memorial garden -each is individual, moving and generates gratitude for the sacrifices made on our behalf
Absolutely brilliant how this place has been designed to pay respects to all our armed forces and more. It is kept in immaculate condition. This is a must to see place if you have never been.
The National Memorial Arboretum is a beautiful and solemn place. The memorial itself draws you to it. Names of individuals who have loss their lives in the line of duty while serving their country is listed on the memorial by year and branch of military service. In addition to that there are trees that are planted that represent police departments across the country that have loss officers in the line of duty. There are two magnificent sculptures in the center of the memorial. You must walk up the stairs (or use the ramps) to see these. They cannot be seen from the ground level. There is a restaurant and gift store on the premises. It is worthy of a visit, especially if you are in the area.
Very moving to visit and see the range of memorials. Parking easy and good cafe/restaurant on the site.
Had the privilege to sing at a memorial service here. Wonderful place to contemplate the asymmetry of the madness that sends people to die and the sense of paradoxical peace here.
nice day out that is set in beautiful countryside. Lovely cafe to eat in. Full of information and history but so peaceful
Very emotive,uplifting in a tranquil setting, will be even more so in a few years time when trees are more mature.
What an amazing place. Was a little concerned it may be a bit morbid (went for a birthday day out) but it has been created so skilfully and brilliantly it never felt so. Some of the areas esp the Wall of Remembrance were shocking in the scale and the number of names/lives lost but it was beautiful in its simplicity and reflection that all lives lost are equal. Every memorial had been carefully thought out whether in tress used, design or shape. Unfortunately we didn’t manage to see everything in a day but will certainly go back. A must see for everyone.
Despite the walk from the back-up car park, we thoroughly enjoyed our brief visit to the Arboretum. On a beautifully warm Sunny day, it looked a treat with manicured lawns and tended gardens all around. The Wall of Remembrance is an astonishing and shocking jolt to the everyday comforts of life we all enjoy and the sight of so many lost and largely very young lives hits home hard. Given its' central location, all English schools should visit this perfect place. Most guides and helpers are volunteers and many are not even ex-servicemen or women but they help because they so enjoy the peace and atmosphere of what is a truly remarkable spot to visit. It is still growing and sadly, new names are constantly being added to the wall and the memorials dotted around the grounds. There is a car park fee, and I feel that this should be upped to £5.00 for the day and include the provision of a free site map. If a visit here does not grip your emotions, then you are either too young, too senile or too stupid to appreciate what many have done for you at such a cost.
Travelled with friends one of who was a Falklands veteran so the visit had particular relevance for him. However being ex military is not a prerequisite to enjoy this moving and enthralling facility. The site is free to visit and maintained purely by donations. We spent several hours there and could have easily extended that to a full day, will definitely revisit in the future.
What really shocked me was the amount of names everywhere and this place does a great job to make those who fought for us look heroic! the place is massive, but it is easy to get around. Truly amazing!
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