National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11399 reviews
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we attended the morning service - very moving; and as then sun moves accross from the window opposite the altar it was beautiful. Very blustery day, needed to wrap up warmly. shops and cafe were high quality.
brilliant place to vist and walk round full of history your find things out you never new must be visited by every one
Ive been here several times now and always find something ive missed before. Its not just for people interested in either gardens or the military, its just all so interesting! So much thought has been put into everything, the planners really want you to get the maximum experience, and you do. Good restaurant as well and nice gift shop. Do yourself a favour and go here, but not in winter as being so open it is VERY windy and cold!!! No charge to get in either, just to park the car.
We have visited this place on more than one occasion. The first time we forgot our camera so didn't linger and went onto Litchfield Cathedrall and Darwin's House.
The next time was more solemn as a family member's husband had recently been killed in Afghanistan shortly after the birth of their first child. We were taken aback by finding a wreath with his name on within the main memeorial. We've since taken friends and its a sombre place that makes you think about the sacrifice others make on our behalf .Allow plenty of time, car parking is reasonable and admission asks for donation. You'll be amazed how quickly time passes as you stroll or ride around all the various memorials. There's also a very nice cafeteria and a restuarant where reasonably priced food and beverage can be purchased. There are plans to melt the Olympic bell and cast it into a Memorial Carrillon to be sited here, lets hope that vision is realised and it comes to fruition. I fail to see how anyone could vist this place and not be moved, pay a visit I'm sure you wouldn't regret it.
Well organised, well kept venue. Lots to see and take in. Fab restaurant. Thought of the less mobile and take you round if unable to walk too far. Lovely people staff this place, helpful and some quite knowledgeable. I loved my visit here to see all the memorials not just from the Forces but other very special concerns to. A special place for people who need space to remember and grieve their losses. Fantastic and a place of healing.
A surprise awaits you at the National Memorial Arboretum, it's not quite what you expect. It covers a large area and the central Memorial to those who have given their lives in conflict since the end of the Second World War is very moving and beautiful. Around the site are a number of memorials to specific groups - and not all military. It is quite a big site so make sure you are wearing suitable footwear. The rain came on whilst we were there so we didn't manage to see the whole site but we have promised to go again for a further visit. Thought provoking and rewarding.
My wife and I first visited the NMA a while ago. Since then we have been back several times. Each visit is different due to the vast area to view. We have also taken part in the Ride to the Wall held each October. This is a place where all the family can visit as there is plenty to see and do.
Having served 30 years in the Royal Navy it was important that whilst on a visit to the area I managed a visit to the Arboretum. Five of us arrived early on the morning of 30 Dec 12 to be met by a very knowledgeable receptionist who explained the whole lay out (including those areas that were under water due to the flooding!). We spent the next couple of hours wandering around this beautifully laid out setting. Personally wanted to pay my respects to a young man I joined the RN with who didn't come back from the Falkland Islands - Shaun Hanson, and the Captain of the best ship I ever served in HMS MANCHESTER who lost his life in 1984 when his helicopter crashed into Portland Harbour - Tony Wigley. Both remembered dearly. Sobering and astouning to realise how many of our brave Armed Forces have lost their lives since the end of WWII. Brilliant Memorial befitting our Services, I will return.
I thought I didn't care a stuff about 'war things' but after visiting here I realise what was sacrificed, I have a totally new outlook on it all, we'll worth a visit, remember your tissues though!
Went round in nasty cold damp weather, couldn't see a lot of the 150 acres because of the flooding. But had an informative and helpful conversation with a guide - brave man to be hanging about on such a chilly day just to help out. I was surprised that the memorials aren't just for the fallen of various wars - apparently there's a memorial to neo-natal deaths, and to victims of car accidents, but we couldn't see much as such a lot of it was underwater. The cafe's not bad, the toilets are good. A very worthwhile place which must give huge comfort to those who've lost people. It's not a sad place, and they've thought a lot about things for kids to do. I think if you live nearby or are on holiday in the area in good weather it would be a great place to spend quite a long time - even at the end of December you could see what it had to offer - though how long you spend there will depend on many factors, like the weather and your motive for going in the first place. Entrance is free but there's a charge for the car park. Good disabled access by the look of it, and transport available round the extensive grounds.
This place is amazing, so thought provoking. Makes you realise how much our service personnel sacrifice. My kids love it here
Having been a few years ago with my youngest son and the feeling of pain and love for the sacrifice of our brave men and women i promised my wife i would take her one day. When i came the first time the blank walls were evident, sadly by the time i got around to taking my wife the blank walls are slowly being filled. The gardens are lovelly the people are fantastic it make a wonderful day out if not a moving day! Pay a visit and help to remember the men and women of not only our wonderful little island but of the world. It does not only remind you of the sad losses of post 2nd world war but. Of previous conflics and wars. Sorry for waffling but lets be proud and honour our armed forces.
A wonderfully calm place with lots of helpful caring volunteers. A `Must` visit.
What a fantastic place
Highly thought-provoking. We were there on a very windy & rainy day but stuck with it and made the most. The site is huge with a wide range of memorials to all who have given their lives in the service of the country - civilian and services.

There is a lot to take in but the Japanese campaign building is especially worth the effort. The main memorial has a special 11/11/11 sundial ans some very interesting statues.

The staff and volunteers are helpful and infomative.

A must-see.
I loved the central column and was saddened by all the names on the wall, and the space left for the future.
I liked the themed areas. A shame the ground is so wet.
This is a truly wonderful place to visit. I was surprised by the vastness of the place. Every memorial is beautifully designed and kept. There is a play area for children which is a great idea too, and a large indoor area with shops, displays and a nice restaurant. Lots of benches dotted about to sit, reflect and enjoy the serenity. Well worth visiting.
The Arboretum is an excellent place to visit. The monuments are excellent and it is well spaced out. It has a chapel there and at 11am every day. They stop every thing that includes all the work staff and have 2 minutes silence.
An excellent place to spend time in reflection.
I would seriously recommend a visit.
A truly wonderful place! - Very thought-provoking. I was moved to tears. On the day we visited, it was very cold but the sun shone all day in a clear blue sky - it was so quiet and peaceful. We have many beautiful photographs of the amazing memorials. We kept meeting up with one of the volunteer guides during our visit who was extremely knowledgeable and friendly and also entertained our 11 year old son with his magic tricks - thank you so much! The site is huge and we couldn't possibly see everything in the time that we were there - but we all thoroughly enjoyed our visit. No one should ever be allowed to forget all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and everyone should pay their respects and visit this magnificent place.
On a recent visit to Lichfield we spent a day at The National Memorial Arboretum and can quite honestly say I was moved to tears. I strongly advise anyone in the vicinity of Lichfield to visit this truly magnificent place. It brings to mind the many thousands of 'heroes' which have lost their lives to protect us. There is also a small memorial garden to young children and babies who has passed away - very tear jerking. Please visit and pay your respects.
Massive place , need sensible shoes as long walks and boggy underfoot . road train a little expensive £4.50 but good commentary and music ( you can get off but not able to rejoin the train needs rethinking) hire of buggies is available .
The mound has a separate golf buggy tho take those who can not climb the steps .( would work better if the train could radio the buggy as at present a matter of luck)
Excellent restaurant .
Parking £3.00 per car
Map. £3.00
Advertised as free entry in all £10.50 before I had seen any thing be prepared .
My husband and visited here 6 years ago ago with my father-in-law (then 90 years old). He had served in India during WW2 and particularly wished to see the Burma memorial. It was, therefore, particularly poignant for us to return (following his death 3 years ago) and also interesting to see how the Arboretum had changed, grown and evolved in that time, particularly, of course, the very large memorial which now forms the main centrepiece. We went this time with two friends, keen photographers like ourselves, and perhaps saw it with a keener eye. It was a dull overcast, slightly drizzly day and poppies were draped around so many of the statues and in the gardens and it was particularly evocative. We were moved to tears on more than one occasion and brought back with us some memorable images, both on camera and in our memories. We certainly didn't see everything so will certainly return again in a few years time, when the trees especially should look spectacular. It is a place that everyone should visit, at least once, at some stage in their lives.
The Arboretum covers a huge area, and includes numerous memorials, a visitor centre and a Chapel. The main memorial is to those who've died on active service since WW2 - I had never realised how many there were before. (Previous reviewers have mentioned the steps to this, but there is a long spiral ramp to it available for those using wheelchairs or otherwise unable to manage steps.) The memorials are not only military, but cover a range of organisations - I was particularly pleased to see one for RNLI volunteers who've lost their lives on duty, and also one for members of the merchant navy, not just the Royal Navy. Some areas contain small individual memorials to all types of people. I loved the design of the Chapel - modern and simple, but very welcoming.
Unfortunately our visit was marred by a couple of issues. As other reviewers have mentioned, within the visitor centre there are constant reminders of the cost of running the place - £3700+ per day apparently, and while admission may be free, nothing much else is. Parking costs more than we were charged for all day in Birmingham the day before. No plans for the place are available on the Web, or shown anywhere in the grounds, forcing you to spend £3 on a small paper map if you want to find a given monument, and there are hundreds. All this seemed very out of place here. In part it's down to the fact that unlike places such as the National Museums they receive no Government funding. I can't imagine this being the case at a similar place in the USA, for example, so I understand why they need to charge, but it still felt wrong.
The other issue to be aware of is that, from the car park in, the whole place is muddy, and, unless you keep to the main paths, meaning that you can only see many of the memorials from a distance, the waterlogged ground will soak your feet very quickly. (The place is on a floodplain!) I think this would make it a struggle for anyone trying to look around in a wheelchair too.
This was our third visit to this testimonial to those who have served in the armed forces and who are no longer with us. We made the visit to lay poppies for the people in our families who had served and are no longer with us - the experience is always memorable, and there are many new memorials since our previous visit. The walk around is always emotional.
Excellent day. This is a truly thought provoking place. Lots of car parking space, and good food available. It is free to enter(but obviously donations are welcome! .... and so they should be!) Just an amazing place. Would recommend anyone to go there, no matter how old you are.
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