National Memorial Arboretum

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My wife went here to commemorate the unveiling of the Paratroopers monument a couple of months back and it was awful weather and she wanted to visit it in better weather and I have wanted to visit it since it opened but never found the time to make the trip.
I am lucky (if that’s the right word) and only personally know one person who is one the wall of remembrance, my mate "Shep" - RIP mate, never forgotten.
Anyway, we went along on sat 15 Sep 12, weather was warm and sunny. Well, I was totally amazed, I didn't know what to expect, but what greeted me was a beautifully crafted and maintained "garden" (slowly becoming a forest) of remembrance, it was so peaceful and poignant.
There are memorials to nearly every conceivable outfit/organisation who have lost comrades since WWI.
Even if you don’t know anyone who has given their life for “our today”, you (young and old) must make the pilgrimage to marvel at this wondrous dedication to those 10’s of thousands who gave their lives for us.

There is a cafe, but you can and I recommend, taking a picnic as there are lots of places to sit, eat and ponder.

Enjoy and say a prayer for the fallen.
Took the hour ride which has an excellent commentary.
You can spend hours wandering around reading the plaques.
It is beautifully laid out.
Had a very good tea for £7. Sandwiches, scone & cake.
Everyone should visit here. Shuch an incredible place. Really brings it home to you, on the main memorial with all the names of those who have lost their lives. Then blank space - lets hope this is not filled.
Wonderfull gardens, We had a ride on the road train, well worth doing as you could be there days trying to take in everything.
I recently paid a visit to the National Memorial Arboretum on a beautiful warm sunny day, my second visit to this amazing place, my first visit was two years ago and I was very surprised to see how many new memorials have been added since my first visit. I took a trip on the land train this time, as this is a good way to see most of the memorials and to learn more about each individual memorial, well worth the 4.50 for the ticket. There are many memorials to our armed forces, but many others to organisations who have done so much good work tthroughout our country, so all in all something to interest most visitors. There is a very good restaurant on site with very reasonably priced food and a gift shop well stocked with interesting merchandise. If you are intending to visit the Arboretum, please allow a full day to make sure that you see all that it has to offer.
We visited the National Memorial Arboretum today on a gorgous sunny day.Was our first visit and Definatley won't be our last.Beautifully set out grounds,lovely helpful staff and lots to do.wasn't prepared for the affect would have on e but that's a different story.take a tissue or two.
Been here a few times. It covers a large area and can't all be seen properly in one day so allow plenty of time and wear good walking shoes! If you are going for a particular memorial then ask the staff. They are mostly volunteers but are very knowledgeable and so willing to help it's refreshing! There are mobility aids to hire so you can get around even if disabled, but book in advance as they are very popular. Although entry is free, the car park costs £3 for the day, and maps and things cost, but every penny stays in the Arboretum so shouldn't be a problem. The refreshments are good, with a reasonable choice of meals and drinks in the restaurant as well as more from facilities outside the visitor centre, which, btw, is scheduled for a rebuild to accommodate the growing number of visitors.
It is an oasis of peace and quiet and although it can be argued that everyone should visit because of what it stands for militarily, it should be remembered that it is a National Memorial, not just a military one, so there are many civilian memorials as well. It is a very poignant place to be and can be a little disturbing, especially the Far East memorial, and, in its way, the large empty space on the Military Memorial awaiting the names of those yet to die in our name for our freedom!!
It's open every day except Christmas Day and there is an Act of Remembrance every day in the Millennium Chapel at 1100hrs incorporating Last Post, silence and Reveille. You certainly don't have to be religious to attend and appreciate this.
So, if you have half a mind to visit this lovely place change that to a determination, and go. You won't regret it.
Peaceful, excellent to reflect and remember.
Good parking - good restaurant, important to remember those who have given their lives for us.
It is hard to do justice to this place. It is superb and really should be described as "unique". On a first visit the trip on the guided tour is HIGHLY recommended. If you are in the area DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!
You can stroll at leisure through acres of well planted grounds, and study at leisure the moving monuments and tributes to both military and civilian organisations, as well as individuals.
If you have mobility difficulties or a tight shedule, regular 'train' tours are available, in addition to both manual and powered wheelchairs.
Areasonable cafe, though not well prepared for the numbers on the day we visited.
Very helpful and informative guides.
The setting, grounds, memorials and experience is beautiful and a fitting tribute to those brave individuals who have given more than anyone ever should and paid with thier lives. This is a place for family, friends and anyone who would like to pay thier respects to our brave enforcers and protectors. Brought me to tears in my own space, wonderfull tribute.
As a reasonably young Services Veteran (45), I've visited the NMA many times and always find it to be the most tranquil and fitting tribute to the fallen you could imagine.

Stunning memorials and beautiful surroundings - Charlie and his team maintain the site as well as anyone possibly could.
This is an enjoyable 2-3 hour visit, great education for kids and adults. The grounds are kept well and the memorials are unique. A really nice Cafe and gift shop, talks at selected times, enjoyed my visit and highly recommended.
If you have someone to remember, just wanted to pay your respects or want a peaceful day out doors this place is perfect. The different gardens, sculptures, and main area atop a hill are really interesting.
It provides easy walking and a pretty good cafe with home made food and decent prices.
Just mind, if you have kids the acoustics in the main memorial are incredible so make sure you are alone before they start shouting!
I was totally unprepared for the strength of feelings I experienced. I am so glad my family visited and we could pay our respects. Thank you.
A marvelous place to remember old comrades. Every corp and regiment of the Army, The Navy and The Airforce are covered by a variety of displays (If that is the right term)
Did not know what to expect on my visit although I had seen some images on the T.V.
Picked a good weather day and found the Arboretum very easily.
We started our visit with the two minutes silence held in teh chapel every day ay 11am which is followed by a very good introductory talk.
Spent 5 hours walking aroud the site to see not quite all of the memorials but all of the major ones,we will need to visit again.
Good picnic area and food on site.
Would say this is a visit everyone should make but do take an umbrella with you.
Good acess for the disabled.
First visit and to say I am impressed is an understatement. Went specifically to see the new memorial to the Parachute Regiment [magnificient] and was moved by the Basra Wall and many other memorials. Surprised, and pleased, to see that it is a place which does not solely honour the armed forces.
We went to the Arboretum not really knowing what to expect and were amazed at the size of it. The grounds are well kept and a tribute to the gardeners there. The only complaint would be the lack of signage. It would have been nice to have had some signposts at the path junctions saying what was in each direction. Other than that it was a fascinating reminder of how much is owed by so many to so few and pays tribute to countless men and women whose contribution to the wars goes un-noticed. If you go, be prepared for a long and interesting walk around the different areas and for the odd tear as you realise the debt we owe to these people.
The whole place has a feeling of peace. Can be very moving due to the atmosphere. A thought provoking place to visit
Having seen the arboretum on the local news over a number of years I had toyed with the idea of a visit yet never made the effort or short journey. Following a business meeting in the area last week I had to pass on my return home and thought it would be an ideal opportunity to visit and I am so glad I did.

Having visited the memorials in Washington DC last year the Arboretum had a lot to compete with, but blew the memorials in DC away.

The grounds are imaculately kept and during my flying visit you could feel the emotion of both the Memorial and the visitors.

The entrance is free, but they do ask for a donation of £5 which is not mandatory, car parking is £2.50.

This is a must visit and I will go back and enjoy a more leisurely visit.

Site has washrooms, restaurant , gift shop and large car park.
The grounds are immaculate, the staff very friendly and helpful, there is a very good restuarant which serves resonable lunches, allow a few hours to meander round, the entrance is free, but car parking charges of £2.50 for 2 hours or £3.00 for three hours or above. Plenty of parking
You really need to spend all day here to appreciate its size and scope. The Armed Forces Memorial has an atmosphere all of its own, and is a beautiful, lasting tribute.
There are also many civilian memorials here too, and a wonderful place for both quiet reflection and interesting facts.
Our highlight was the Allied Special Forces Memorial Grove which is a 5 minute walk from the main building (plot 426). We met a very welcoming man from the Allied Special Forces Association who told us all about the Grove and the numerous memorials there. And a beautiful walk by the river too! Not to be missed!
This is much more than a memorial monument. It is a magnificent celebration of our military performance over many decades. Our country and serving men and women of all ages and from differing backgrounds have given their lives so that we the survivors can live free!

The 150 acres of woodland act as a wonderful backdrop to the 200 special memorials for nearly all branches of our forces in all the major conflicts since 1946

It is a special place, a quiet place, a place to think and reflect..

Everyone should visit.
The Arboretum if a place to reflect on the past achievements of our long
dead heroes and all that they went through for our freedom. It is also nice to see places set aside for people of today, scouts, police, firemen, WI
membersetc. Be prepared to have a little weep.
Very, very emotional but a good day out. The Japanese hut was very moving and one or two visitors were in tears, myself included, just trying to imagine the depravities the POW's had to endure.
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