National Memorial Arboretum

4.9/5 based on 11450 reviews
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Didnot expect it to be so big. It covers a huge area and has dedications to all the armed forces and organisations. There is a lovely walk along the lake. We spent some time in the hut dedicated to the men in the prisoner of war camps which was very touching with many personal accounts.
We were fortunate as it was a lovely sunny day when we went as its nearly all out doors.

A brilliant day out and not at all what I expected.
What a wonderful place, good to see the National Lottery doing something for our troops more than one could say about the government. A really lovely place and would have been there much longer if the weather had been kinder. Very muddy in places but cant blame the attraction for that
As a bonus a really nice clean reasonable restaurant on site. Will return in the summer and see and learn even more. Am told that the attraction is going to increase in size when the excavating for gravel next door runs out. A must for not only ex servicemen but also the general public to see what our troops have done for us in past wars and conflicts.
The Memorial brings the cruelty of war to the front of your thoughts and the bravery of all those poor souls who perished in the so called name of civlisation.

It is very impressive as long as you remember its purpose and what it represents.

The Royal British Legeon are responsible for its upkeep and as such is a charity.Entrance is free but any donations are welcomed.An army of volanteers keeps the place workingand any additional help is welcomed.

There is ample parking at a small fee.Guide books are £6-50 or Map is £3-00
It is open 364 days a year and is only closed on Christmas day

You enter the Arboretum through a reception building which also houses refreashment and a gift shop.

As you enter the Memorial You are struck by its size( 150 acres) with over 200 monuments.
It is very open with limited shelter,so it maybe preferable to choose a warm summers day for your visit unlike us on our first and latest visit cold and windy but don't let it deter you it is well worth going just for the experience.

every where is very well laid out and the main monument and wall of rememberance is somethig you will always remember.Statues of soldiers carrying a comrade on a stretcher is very moving.A door of stone is slighty ajar on the back wall and the centre of the monument is a tomb with a bronze reef upon it.Unfortuntely we have not yet experienced this yet but it is said that as the sun sets a beam of light comes through the door and settles on the reef.

A very impressive if a somber day out but well worth a visit you need to make at least a 1/2 day of it to appreciate it all. War continues and unfortunately more is added each year in rememberance.
Went to the National Memorial Arboretum for a day and was quite taken aback at the place. Although it was a very cold and windy day the visit was well worth the trip out. I was overcome at the size of the place and the thought that has gone into the creation of this memorial. If you are ever in the area then this place is a 'must see'. Although it is free to get in you are encouraged to make a donation and the road train is a small fee but because of the cold it was worth the cost to be chauffeured around and lots of explanations given to each area. A very moving place and thought provoking memorials. The visit can take as long as you want but you will certainly need a couple of hours. We went to the cafeteria for a bowl of soup and a hot drink. This was reasonably priced and you can also get a hot meal and plenty of selection.
I am glad we managed to fit in a visit to the Arboretum during our weekend break. Unfortunately the weather was not very good so we only stayed about two hours. Walked up to the large memorial on the hill which was very impressive. Did have our lunch in the restaurant which we thought was reasonably priced. If I am ever in the area again I would definitately return and hopefully see a larger area.
Met at the entrance by a very helpful and informative guide, he explained about the site and mentioned the tour train that leaves every half hour just outside. We decided to walk but was amazed at the vastness of the site. You could easily spend a whole day here but as it was raining we only spent 2 hours looking at the memorials. Everything was beautiful, the memorials, trees and layout all so different,with a real feeling of caring and respect. Will definitely return in the summer and spend more time here. The only downside was there were only toilets in the reception area and with a site so huge this may be a problem.
Shame we had to pay for car parking! Maybe we would have donated more. Lovely place to come and reflect on fallen heroes and also others associated with wars.
I really enjoyed looking around this stunning cathedral it is very magnificant the gift shop was very reasonable priced too
Spent a few hours here on a sunny but cold March day. The is so much to see that a brief few hours is only enough to scratch the surface. The staff are very helpful without being at all pushy and they really do seem to care about the place and its visitors. Parking cost us £1.50 all day and although it goes up in the warmer months it is a small price to pay and the revenue goes to paying for the 25 year programme that is planned for the memorial park. The is a land train (£4.50) that takes less able visitors round the huge site and this. Is also useful to get your general bearings and introduction so that you can then walk to those sites that you want to see more of. The are plenty of places to sit, watch nature, have a picnic or for some personal contemplation time. The site has a mix of new and old memorials (moved from other sites where I guess they were perhaps overlooked or in danger of being lost. This is somewhere you can visit to remember those close to you or just come an wonder in awe at the sacrifice of others. And it is not "just" military memorials either, there are some to fire and police services and to young children who might have been stillborn or died early in their lives. Do pay a visit, you will not regret the time you spend getting her and walking round the 750 acre site. There is a small restaurant in the visitor centre as well as a shop. Entry is free although donations are very welcome of course.
I was there for the inaugural Rememberance Day service when it was just an empty space in the waiting. There are some stunning Memorials to our fallen heroes.
Even though we visited on a bitterly cold February day, we enjoyed every moment of our stay.(the hot homemade soup in the restaurant helped!). The daily 11 am service was very emotional and made you give thanks for all the brave people who fought for our freedom. There are fifty thousand trees at present, more to be planted in the future. The trees are immature at the
Moment. All the memorial gardens are beautifully done, and we missed a lot due to cold
Weather. We will be back later in the year though.
An inredible and emotional place to remember loved-ones, friends and comrades lost, set in 150 acres of woodland within the National Forest.
So many memorials dedicated to both Military and Civilian casulties of war and conflict at home and abroad.
A living memorial to mourn and celebrate life given and life taken.
Definately a place for every age and nationality.
Run mostley by volunteers who were extremely knowlegeble and helpful.
A wonderful creation, this memorial park will only get better as the years pass and the trees mature. With free admission and only a £1.50 car park charge, it's a place to go back to time and time again to see how the vegetaion has developed and find (and read )even more memorials. The guidebook (at £6.50) is worth buying to take home and read because there is simply too much to absorb when you are walking round..Due to the very wet weather that preceded our visit,much of the grass was very boggy and some parts of the grounds were actually closed off,so best to take wellies (or similar)if you want to leave the gravel paths and get up close to many of the memorials.
A place to remember My friends and comrades lost.
A place for all of those that where never found.
A place to walk and be silent
This well kept and wonderfully thought out site is something to behold.
A place to educate on the fruitlessness of war
This was a lovely day out and if I lived just a bit closer I would visit almost every weekend. The grounds are large to explore with "monuments" to all sorts of causes, not just war related. We had a guided tour which was excellent and well worth it. Followed by yummy hot soup in the cafe. The coffee was quite passable. The little charity stall had excellent buys for a good cause. Free to go but there is a small charge for car parking. If my kids were younger I could imagine this being a regular outing.
There is a small charge to park. Look out for Death railway museum, nation armed forces memorial, shot at dawn and The Naval area - HMS Kenya, FAA and many others
This is a wonderful place and is clearly developing into a national and international place of Remembrance .There always eems to be some particular remembrance event taking place .The 'Ride to the Wall' is wonderful to see , as one example .Well located just off the A38 between Burtun on Trent and Lichfield .Good facilities.
Visited the Arboretum to lay a Cross and flowers at the remembrance wall for our sons friend Fusilier Louis Carter. Louis had spent his childhood dreaming of becoming a soldier, yet he also spent a lot of time skateboarding and playing football with our son.
We think that the Arboretum is a wonderful idea and place where respects can be paid for all personnel that have served this country. We would recommend this to all people.
Very welcoming staff, courteous and helpful, the site visit on holocaust day was very moving and highly informative. The day was blighted by the weather but so glad we went. We hope to return ,perhaps on a fine day to visit more of the sight.The room dedicated to the war in the east was particularly memorable. The sacrifice that is represented by the memorial is so important.
Set out so beautifully, so geometrically with plenty of space for reflection. We found this visit a most moving experience. With the many memorials given such prominence, many designed with such artistic care, and telling such heroic and historic stories that a visit here should be an essential for all of us who owe so much to thoes that are honoured here. Lovely day out in the summer but will need to wrap up warm if its windy. The breezes do tend to whip across the Trent valley! Restaurant and shop very nice but very busy. Good parking and easy to get to. Take the children as it will help them understand.
I don't know if there is a word in the English Dictionary that can adequately describe this phenomenal place. I spent 5 hours on a Saturday afternoon in November 2012 with friends, it really wasn't long enough. We returned on the Sunday morning for a dedication ceremony which was lovely. I can't wait to return. The land train was brilliant, to give you a feel of the place and allowed for you to plan where you might like to investigate further. I'd like to return in the Spring.
The place has an aura about it and the staff were very informative and helpful. It is a huge place and travelling around in it can be auckward for those with mobility issues.
Can be quite bleak on a cool, windy day, but lots of military memorial interest well organised around the site
I visited the NMA on a school trip. The bit I thought was very nice was the part where they had all decorated stones lining a pathway. The gardens are gorgeous and I would deffiantly visit again! The only bad thing was there was alot of people.
This is a very interesting place to visit on a fine day, needing several hours to view the whole site. The number and range of memorials is eye-opening.
As well as those who were there for the interest and history there were many who obviously had experienced the events commemorated. We saw a man at rigid attention before the names of those remembered on the main memorial war and others laying wreathes. One man appeared quite overcome at the Falklands memorial and you obviously allow those like him plenty of space and respect so that they can mourn and remember.
The whole site is a fitting tribute to those who have served and sacrificed and will keep their memory alive as we remember them.
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