27 June 2017 10:14
The students at a local children's dance school waltz their way to success
26 June 2017 13:07
With the summer holidays slowly approaching, here's a taster of what's on this summer in Lichfield
20 June 2017 14:59
June 21st not only marks the beginning of summer, but it's also the longest day of the year, where we will get more sunlight than any other day!
14 June 2017 10:25
Whether you're just starting up your own business or have been running one for a long time, these chartered accountants in Lichfield can help you with your finances
06 June 2017 09:32
In the lead-up to some busy months of summer events, our local Lichfield businesses have some great offers to get you jumping for joy!
26 May 2017 15:18
Here is a helpful guide on how to keep your dog safe in the sun
23 May 2017 15:11
If you need a removal company in Lichfield that does international removals, you've found the right place...
05 May 2017 16:58
Not long left to wait until the Lichfield Bower! And this year there’s a great line-up of activities and celebrations to take part in!
05 May 2017 15:37
Explore an important and fascinating part of Lichfield!
03 May 2017 10:28
Half term is only a few weeks away, so take a look at what's going on in Lichfield.
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