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Duncan Murray Wines, Market Harborough

We have now attended both the WSET (Wine and spirits education trust) 1 and 2 courses delivered by Nick of Duncan Murray wines. Even though we were fairly ‘wine literate’ before attending them, the courses have been a very worthwhile experience for us both. WSET1 is a one-day course with a multiple-choice exam at the end of day, WSET2 is a 3 day course with an expectation that you do some (theoretical) homework with an similar but longer and, naturally, more demanding exam at the end of the third day. Both courses are theoretical with formal taught content but there is plenty of practice and opportunity to apply the theory: the WSEST2 course includes the tasting of over 40 wines chosen to emphasis and reinforce the ‘theory’. The WESET1 course is an introduction to wine and wine tasting. It really whetted our appetite and carry on to the WESET2 course. While WESET2 repeats a little material it is a lot more involved in both depth and breadth. We learned a great deal in a very pleasant environment. There is indeed something slightly surreal at arriving at an English village hall early on a springtime Saturday morning to meet a group of ‘fellow travellers’ for the first time knowing that by late afternoon you will have tasted over a dozen interesting wines from around the world. And then to emerge into the afternoon spring sunshine (yes the sun did shine) and realise that you HAD tasted graphite in one wine, granite stone in another and that ‘smelling of forest floor and farmyard’ is a compliment when applied to wine. The courses gave us a sound ‘scaffold’ on which to further build our knowledge and appreciation of wine. The scaffold helped us ‘made sense’ of what we knew already about wine, connected seemingly random wine facts we had garnered over the years and gave us tools to think about wine, what we can expect to taste and to think about what we are tasting. Bob and Dee