Your Blog Posts

Blog Series: Part 4 - A bit of hero worship

Do you ever stop to wonder how you might cope if something catastrophic happened to you?
Rowing is a sport that demands strength, determination and courage and the Paralympian Rowers have all of these, and some.

Blog Series:Part 3 - What Not to Wear (the dos and don’ts of river fashion)

You may have a lovely stroke but you can totally ruin the effect when you get off the water if you're attired in dodgy kit

Blog series: Part 2 - Do you need to be ANGRY to be a rower?

The central philosophy is that to be a successful rower you have to be ANGRY.

New Blog series: Part 1 - Rowing in Three Little Words

World Rowing asked if rowing can be described in 3 words. Is it easy or actually which aspect is relevant? Day to Day, Racing, on Beautiful Days, first thing in the morning?

Patricia Carswell, a freelance journalist and passionate rower tells us all.

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