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Eimear Noone, Allergy Elimination, Newbury

I have been ill for over 15 years and have been to Doctors and Hospital consultants with no help. I finally had to give up work and my studies as i became seriously ill at the start of 2008. I found a Naturopath at that time and have been treated for 2 years for my thyroid, adrenals and ferritin levels. But I knew the root of my symptoms had to be food sensitivities as everytime I ate, the whole cascade of symptoms started. In June 2010 INAET in a book on interstitial cystitis. I was anxious as many of us are about going to a new place as we never know what weird symptom our body's are going to come up with next. But after the first visit you know you are finally with someone who knows exactly what you're talking about as you reel of your history of health problems and symptoms. With every treatment I find new changes and improvements and I really enjoy going to my treatments every week now. After my iron treatment I noticed a big improvement in my pain levels especially joint, muscle, face/headache pain. Some day I don't even get any of the pain progress through each treatment (which as others have said is painless and relaxing) recovery. Thank You Eimear!!!