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PRESS RELEASE: World War I commemoration made ‘bargaining chip’ in hillfort housing bid

A major World War One commemoration is in doubt after being used as leverage for housing in the shadow of Old Oswestry hillfort, campaigners have revealed.

An Open Letter to Rt Hon. Eric Pickles MP on Old Oswestry Hillfort

We write to express on-going concerns within the heritage community over Shropshire County Council’s proposal for housing development OSW004, a site for 117 houses, less than 300 m from the scheduled ancient monument, Old Oswestry Hillfort.

Heritage guardians accused of double standards over Iron Age hillfort

Campaigners fighting housing development by a Shropshire hillfort have spoken out over plans for an archaeological dig at the Iron Age site.

Oswestry Smithfield Development - Part II (Ref: 14/00164/VAR)

As the out of town development proceeds, there is already a stumbling block - it would appear the project is no longer financially viable - what could that possibly mean?

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