Acton Scott Historic Working Farm

4.6/5 based on 465 reviews
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Entry is a bit pricey but you get a free second visit which makes it good value.
The cafe produces some extremely high quality home made cakes and biscuits (we didn't have a meal).
The place feels authentic with a real atmosphere of past people, presumably a reflection of its continued use through history. I found myself recognising sights, smells, and sounds from my childhood, so much so that I forgot what I was seeing was no longer the everyday, especially in the Bailiffs Cottage.
There are small displays in many places, such as the samples of traditional dyes on sheep wool.
We went on a Monday but there were event displays through the day.
The staff working in the farm clearly know what they are talking about and care for what they do.
Our Granddaughter loved this working farm ... butter making and the little shop waqs fab....a must visit !!!
Ok the weather was not great but to be honest unless you intend to take a picnic its all a bit sparse, I appreciate its nice to get to see the animals, but demonstrations are quite spread out, and at £9 per adult it can be quite expensive for a family visit
We went on a sunny day, and that obviously helps with a farm type attraction.

The kids enjoyed holding chicks, sitting on a Shire house, watching wheel making/ cheese making/ glass blowing demonstrations and feeding the lambs.

Yes one or two bits could be done better, but on the whole if the kids are having fun, life as a parent is fun.

The food in the restaurant was good.

2 to 3 hours is probably plenty. Bought some eggs on the way out which were lovely.
Whether you just like to see animals up close or you have a serious interest in farming heritage you will get what you need from a visit to Acton Scott Historic Farm. There are lots of enthusiastic people on hand to tell you about the farm and show you their particular skill. Children will enjoy the baby animals in particular at this time of year and they may be able to hold a chick or bottle feed a lamb. There is an excellent cafe in a lovely setting by the lake in what was the old schoolroom.

There are also opportunities to take a course if you want to learn how to make a wheel, handle heavy horses, rear pigs or just about anything to do with traditional farming skills.

Enjoy it while you can - funding from Shropshire Council seems likely to be withdrawn in April 2017, giving this very worthwhile attraction an uncertain future.
I have visited Acton Scott Historic Working Farm on several occasions, but my husband bought me a voucher for my birthday to spend a day learning to work with the heavy horses there. I cannot speak highly enough of this experience, it was everything I hoped for and more. Our hosts for the day, Jak and Simon, were really friendly and welcoming, and their love for the horses in their care shone through every minute of the day. They gave us the confidence to be really 'hands on' with the horses and we were encouraged at all times to have a go at the different tasks. We learned about grooming, feeding, harnessing, and then we went out to the field with the horses to try our hand at harrowing. A delicious lunch of soup and sandwiches was included in the very reasonable price, and then it was back to 'work' to learn to harness and drive a two wheeled tip cart and then a 4 wheeled wagon. I can honestly say that this has to be one of my happiest days! The horses were such gentle giants, and it was a very special experience to work with them so closely. A big thank you to Jak and Simon, and all who work so hard to make Acton Scott such a magical place for young and old alike. If you haven't been, I highly recommend that you put that right this year...
We took our 2 year old grandson here on a quiet Tuesday after the Easter Break. The weather was glorious and it was such a fun and relaxing day. There are many animals to see, the Shire Horses are just gorgeous and made the trip for me. My grandson fed the lambs, was fascinated by the chickens and the cockerels running around the yard. We saw the piglets and much more. We had a very nice lunch in the cafe, played pooh sticks on the bridge over the stream. My Grandson found everything very interesting, he did not get tired or bored walking around there for a good few hours. The atmosphere is one of peace and tranquillity in beautiful surroundings.
Amazing place. A little pricy, but a unique experience with kids. Children can feed the lambs at certain times. There's a nice shop where to buy local products and art.
There's a fake cow kids can milk, an old machinery to make butter to try. Many many animals to watch close or touch.
Over the last few years our boys (8,10) have visited numerous farms in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Acton Scott rates one of the best.

This is not a "bucket-&-feed farm", but enables much interaction with lambs, chicks / calves / piglets.

The farm is beautifully set, a Victorian working farm - an authentic feel, untouched by commercialism.

Butter churning by the milk maid, freshly made griddle scones in the farmhouse and a blacksmith. Working horses complete the setting with cart rides - ALL inclusive with a repeat visit in the entry ticket.

The staff - wonderful - calm and helpful, nothing ever too much trouble. What a great team. Thank you for a fantastic couple of days.
6 adults and our 2 granddaughters visited Acton Scott on Easter Sunday, we had a lovely day. There was lots going on lambs being born, demonstrations of farm life eg.
butter making,wheelwright working and Blacksmith at work, lace making and glass blowing.
We all loved the baby animals, lambs, pigs and chicks and staff were eager to talk to the whole family. We were able to help take out the ponies to the field which was lovely.
Back in the day when farming machinery was powered by humans & animals. When vegetarians were called turnip heads & woman covered their ankles.
In the heart of the Shropshire countryside lies a grand estate with a working Victorian farm. Littered with examples of Victorian farming & ways of living.

Take a trip back in time with friends & family to experience a quintessential outlook of working farm life & Victorian culture. From the farms working outbuildings to the grand central house & gardens. There is no doubt that a good day is required to find your way around.
From the many animals you will meet & greet throughout the day to the selection of working trades you can witness in action. No doubt animal lovers & engineers will be in their element.
There is a wide selection of activities for the whole family from educational facilities to blacksmiths workshops & tapestry.
Fancy a bite to eat?
For those who didn't pack lunch, there is a cafe serving hot & cold beverages, snacks & baguettes. Prices are above average so pack well!
Above all, a great day out for the whole family. Make sure the suns out & take in the rolling hills!
To be honest I didn't have very high hopes for this venue until I got there. Straight away the atmosphere is different and you want to explore.

Even as an adult I loved trying on the different hats and caps and I had a good go practising to milk a cow!

We watched a demonstration with a wheel being made and it was remarkable. The heat coming off the fire was incredible! I felt like I learnt a lot even though I was having so much fun!
We live just down the road from the farm and last year it turned in to our second home. My son (aged 2) goes free and I bought a season ticket, so this was a place we visited weekly. It is lovely seeing the piggies grow up. Meeting the shire horses and dusty. There are so many things to see and so much fun to be had. Looking forward to it reopening in march.
The history of farming together with a range of interesting farm machinery and a fantastic cafe made the whole experience enjoyable.Love the different workshops you can go on. And watching the cows being milked and cheese making too.
Best to go in Summer as can be a bit muddy. Kids will love the being able to be up close to the animals and the baby Piglets were great & there's lots of History for adults, even I learned things I didn`t learn at school.. Fantastic watching cart horses tilling the land.
Had lunch in the cafe lovely meal all locally sourced.
Been loads of times with school. Great activity for children, plenty to look at. Loads of animals to see.
fantastic insight into life gone by so many things to do and look around great staff and lots of animals
Having visited here many years ago when our boys were young and hubby busy working on a building there we decided to take our friends here for the morning as they were looking at breeding shire horses back in SA and we thought it a good place for some hands on time. We had a very pleasant morning looking round and watching some of the demonstrations. It was a Monday and very quiet which meant they had plenty of time to chat with us and our friends thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed their personal talk about the horses
Loved it. Had a great few hours. Didn't see much of the farm actually working. Watched the butter being made and brought a packet. It is beautiful, tastes lovely. Facilities were brilliant- Toilets everywhere. Not as many animals that I had hoped for. The baby pigs were cute. The horses, chickens were great. Met the bad tempered geese that was out and about going for people. Men mainly did'nt hurt anyone but funny. The people on site were very good to talk too and interesting.
Well worth a visit. I will go again.. The children really enjoy seeing the farm equiptment too. lovely areas for picnics.
Best to go in Summer as can be a bit muddy. Kids love the animals & there's lots of History for adults. Fantastic watching cart horses tilling the land. Your hosts are all dressed in period costumes and cooking period meals. They are all very knowledgeable. Great fun !!
Had a great day here. Fun for all the family :-) love the different workshops you can go on. And watching the cows being milked and cheese making too !
A wonderful day aptly summed up by our Grand Daughter as 'Animal heaven'. The history of farming together with a range of interesting farm machinery and a fantastic cafe made the whole experience one we can't wait to repeat.
We were there on the last day of the season for the Threshing weekend and our grown up children enjoyed it just as much as when they were toddlers although no freshly hatched egg for the youngest this time - more than made up for by her seeing the Fowler steam engine - made in Leeds.

More to see now than in the past.
Visited here October half term combining it with a stay on the estate in a Featherdown Farm lodge . The children aged 9 and 11 ran on ahead or dawdled behind looking at the various exhibits along the way. There were just enough animals to see ( tiny piglets , chicks and enormous working horses were the favourites !) and we watched the Threshing machine in action ... Along with a wheelwright demonstration ! Topped off with a delicious cake and coffee in the old school house.
Well worth a visit if you have a few hours to spare .... Not a whole day out but enough to fill your morning.
All staff were friendly and chatted freely with the visitors.
educative and interesting for parents and children alike. Its not huge so its very easy to explore fully in one day. I suggest you get on the website and prebook a workshop or activity- they have several running at weekends mostly and they book up in advance.
This was my first visit to Acton Scott farm, and I can say I wasn't disappointed. Would definitely go back again the kids loved it had a good few hours there. Lucky to see the piglets and chicks. Had lunch in the cafe lovely meal. All in all thumbs up.
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