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Mort Smith - Training You To Train Your Dog, Shrewsbury

We have 2 amazing dogs (dobermans). The bitch is a rescue; at first her issues weren't prevalent but as time wore on we were really struggling.... She lashes out, barking, and going nuts when she sees another dog (particularly terriers). Fear based and she's never bitten but being the breed they are you can imagine how unpopular we became in the neighbourhood! Resorting to walking the dogs at ridiculous times to avoid any one at all costs. AND MORT TO THE RESCUE! A three-hour session with Mort and we have the tools to cope. After only a couple of days implementing what we've learned, our dogs are even more of a pleasure. Yesterday we walked passed 3 jack russells who were yapping terribly and she didn't even flinch (despite what she was probably thinking). Shoe is on the other foot as the passer by was rather embarrassed at her unruly dogs. It felt great and now I go out looking for other dogs to walk past! THANK YOU, MORT, this is one happy pack! Referrals - yes, without hesitation.