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Mort Smith - Training You To Train Your Dog, Shrewsbury

A very big thanks to Mort for his help and advice with our Springer Spaniel Daisy. Daisy is almost 9 and very much set in her ways, with the frustrating habit of dragging you down the road whilst she's on the lead. We've tried various leads, head and chest harnesses over the years with limited success, but within 15 minutes of Mort's training we had her walking calmly without any pulling. Mort also taught us how to get Daisy to wait patiently by the front door, allowing us to walk out first, rather than her pushing everyone out of the way in her excitement to get out and get going. Truly an unbelievable change in her, with simple, straight forward tips from Mort that are easy to remember and follow. I would definitely recommend Mort as he's friendly, very knowledgable and great at explaining the psychology of how dogs think and behave so that we can tune in with them and help them behave better.