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Mathmapics, Sittingbourne

Our daughter is in year 5 and has been attending a weekly class with Peter from January 2010. My husband and I (both seconday teachers) have been delighted with her growth in effort, application and confidence since joining his classes. She has always been a bright child who (without working too hard) has been just above the national average. We feel we took the right decision to send her to a tutor to be taught outside of the family and her school, but, we never expected her to progress to the extent that she has in only two terms. Her SAT results at school went from 3a to 5c in two terms and from middle set to top set. She is so positive, motivated and confident about her work now and is proud of her success. She now believes she can be a "Grammar School Girl!" She is continuing to practice for the 11+ in September with excitment and confidence rather than fear! We feel fortunate to have been recommended Peter! Thankyou!!!

Mathmapics, Sittingbourne

Myself and my husband (both being seconday school teachers) have been delighted with how our daughter in year 5 has progressed during her time of being tutored by Peter. She was always a bright child who was doing fairly well in school always just above the national average, however, we felt she lacked confidence and never really reached her full potential. Even though we are teachers we felt a tutor may help and be more exciting for her than being taught at home - we were right! She really enjoys her lessons with Peter and to our delight had real evidence of her progression in her SAT tests. In only two terms she has gone from level 3a to 5c and from middle set to top set. She is now a confident student who is motivated by learning and enjoying her success! She has much more confidence about sitting the 11+ in September 2010 and now believes she could be a "Grammar School Girl". Thankyou Peter!!!!