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What is a Proof

26 February 2018 10:32

You might think of proofing as your sort of early warning system. You want to catch problems early and that’s why proofing is so crucial. And there are several different kinds of proofs that you might encounter in your print job. PDF Proofing is the fastest and least expensive way to proof your print file before going to the press. You want to make sure that your proofs match the actual product that’s why the printers Studio prepress department should prepare a Print Ready PDF proof from your supplied file and send you it via email.

What is Digital Embossing?

26 February 2018 10:22

Digital Embossing is a process where digitally clear ink in perfect registration prints onto a suitable previously printed sheet, which is then UV (ultra violet) cured causing the clear image to rise off the surface of the sheet creating a dramatic three-dimensional effect. It can be applied to one side or both sides of a sheet and can be high lift or low lift.

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