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Animal Myths Exposed by the PDSA

Goldfish don't only have a few second memory, and dogs can see in colour ...

Longest place name in US spelt wrongly for years!

I was amused to read that embarrassed US officials have been forced to admit they've been spelling Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg wrongly for years.

The typos in America's longest place name were revealed by a local newspaper, The

Pensioner take wrong turn and end up on motorway at 8mph!

After taking a wrong turn, an elderly man ended up on the M20 in his 8mph mobility scooter . The 89 year old was spotted crawling along the hard shoulder of the London bound carriageway of the M20 near Folkestone, and motorists called the police. Cars,

Shoe Monument to Bush assaulter & gold from sewage

Shoe Monument Unveiled
According to Reuters, an Iraqi town has just unveiled a giant shoe monument to honour the journalist who threw his shoe at former U.S. President George W. Bush and called him a 'dog' at a news conference in Iraq.
The six-foot sta

BOTOX - for your feet!!

28 October 2008 17:59

BOTOX is now being used to ease the pain of long term high heel wearing.
The condition - dubbed "stilettotarsal" - causes pain in the metatarsal area - the soft tissue on the ball of the foot.

Some women suffer so much pain, that they are forced to gi

Cows killed by lightning strike

28 October 2008 17:26

52 cows killed with a single lightning bolt in Uruguay - freak accident at ranch.
The El Pais newspaper reported that the 52 cows had pressed themselves against a metal wire fence during a thunderstorm - unfortunately the fence scored a direct hit from the

VanTheft in Stamford

11 September 2008 22:32

A man in a stolen van knocked down a 46 year old woman in Stamford on Tuesday. He has been charged with aggravated theft and document offences, which include driving whilst disqualified.

22 year old Martin McBrien of Northampton, appeared at Lincoln

Nappy saves Baby - not the Stamford News

In Sao Paulo, Brazil a disposable nappy saved the life of an 18-month-old baby boy by breaking his fall from a second floor window.
The nappy caught on a security spike which was embedded in the concrete wall round the block of flats where Caua Felipe Mass

What's YOUR favourite smell?

27 August 2008 17:54

Apparently, according to a survey, fish 'n' chips is not only one of the country's favourite meals - it's also our favourite smell! People in the UK said that the tempting aroma of fish and chips was even better than that of clean sheets or freshly bake

Crime spate in Stamford

18 August 2008 20:08

Seems there's a mini crimewave going on in the Stamford area!Burglars forced open a kitchen window in a house in Casterton Road last Friday and stole jewellery.
Friday lunchtime was unlucky for a shopper in the town when her purse was stolen from her bag

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