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A Man and Van, Stevenage

I would like to thank you for the brilliant service you provided recently when we asked you to clear one of our Probate properties. It was a bit of a sad situation in that the couple who lived in the house in Milton Keynes had died within months of each other. They had no children and their nephews had been trying to find time to clear the property themselves. They got to the stage where most of the personal possessions that were wanted by family members had been removed but then they gave up. We said we would find a company to clear the house and that is where you came in. From the day I approached you for a quote to the day you handed the keys back we couldn’t have asked for a better service. You went out of your way to complete the job quickly. The house and gardens were in a much worse state than we had been lead to believe; you told us that as soon as you got there – and although you didn’t have time in one day to clear both the house and the garden, you agreed to go back and tackle the garden separately. You were really thoughtful too and suggested doing this before the estate agents visited to value the property. That meant you fitting it in just a few days later. All in all we couldn’t have asked for more; Jo Briley (director of Abbots) has seen the way the property and garden look now and she has asked me to pass on her thanks to you for doing such a good job. Finally, I want to comment on your excellent customer service skills – your manner on the phone, the speed in which you reply to emails, the fact you came to my house to collect the key, all of these things along with the way you actually cleared the property, mean that I think A Man and Van is an amazing business run in a very professional way. We will not hesitate to ask you next time we have a probate property that needs clearing and I will definitely spread the word about all the other services you offer as well. Thanks again for all your help and hard work on this occasion.