I used Blue for my Winter Wonderland Wedding in December 2010 when the snow came down full force! It was my dream wedding with the snowy backdrop! I went to Blue for inspiration - I wanted my wedding to be something different - I had prayed for snow, had my gown in white and lots of sparkle, my bridesmaid were in Silver and we all had fur shrugs/bolero's to keep us cosy! I needed Jan at Blue to come up with some inspiration for the flowers as I didn't want them to be plain white but still wanted to keep the winter wonderland theme. Jan came up with a fabulous idea of adding splashes of vibrant colour so I ended up with reds, blues, purples, greenery with sparkly silver leaves added in too - my bouquet was just stunning and the bridesmaids had long stems - it was such a fantastic idea and so creative and the pictures look stunning! The splash of colour looks magical! For the best ideas in the business and great services and the best quality flowers - go to Blue, you can totally trust!x
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